Last updated: March 1, 2022 at 6:24 am
I made this 2-part series earlier this weekend from a number of clips and documentaries I have in my collection. My objective is to shine a bright light on what is now being called ( some) "the dark night of the globe", and to provide you with inspiration and food for thought for the year ahead.
I will list all the clip sources below for those of you who wish to explore the subjects that are mentioned further, and as I've said many times before, use your own discernment when you review the material. Only follow-up on what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Part 1
Part 2
Update 1 March 2022
Additional Recommended Viewing Part 3:
'The True Nature of Reality' – Interview with Darryl Anka, a.k.a. Bashar, by Kristin Gillespie. Also see: Darryl Anka/Bashar at the 17th Annual Conscious Life Expo: The Past, Present and Future are Within You
Update 13 February 2022
Additional Recommended Viewing Part 2:
Enlightenment, by Anthony Chene
The Art of Effortless Living Part 1, by Jason Gregory
The Art of Effortless Living Part 2, by Jason Gregory
Instantly Raise Your Vibration – The Most Powerful Methods, by Universe Inside You
Reprogram Your DNA and Heal Yourself with Frequency, Vibration & Energy, by Universe Inside You
If you want to find out if working with certain sounds can indeed have a positive effect on your sense of well-being, do a keyword search on YouTube for Nature Sounds, Native American Flute Music, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and 432Hz music. Listen with headphones and close your eyes while you listen, to see how these make you feel. Try different videos and if they do nothing for you, that's absolutely fine. In that case, try different kinds of music.
Something else that you can try to improve your sense of well-being is an Orgone pyramid or an Orgone pendant. If you don't know what Orgone is you'll need to do some research on it first, and below are two websites that you can start with. Please note that I'm not affiliated with these stores, but the information that is provided there can help you to find the best store near you.
Authentic Orgonite Vs Scam Pyramids – How to Differentiate
Posted on 26 December 2021
Additional Recommended Viewing Part 1:
The Journey of Purpose – You Are The Eternal Universe
Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction and How It Applies to Your Life
Clip sources Part 1 in order of appearance:
The Physics of Spirituality – Nassim Haramein with Vishen Lakhiani (2016)
Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion (2013 Banned TED Talk)
What is Qi Gong? Taoist Master explains the power of Qi (2020)
The Science Behind Yoga (2015)
Clip sources Part 2 in order of appearance:
Quantum Communication Part 1 and Part 2 (2009)
Nassim Haramein – The Field of Boundless Information (2018)
Drunvalo Melchizedek – Earth, Sky, Heart Workshop 2011, Day 2-Part 1 (2011)
Drunvalo Melchizedek – The importance of being in our heart NOW (2011)
Wendy Kennedy – A 9th dimensional perspective on current events (2021)