A Message To Humanity

Created on Monday, 14 September 2015, 19:30

Last updated: April 23, 2020 at 18:28 pm

This is a clip with the final speech from the movie The Great Dictator. Extremely fitting for the situation that the entire planet finds itself in today. 

Logic alone will tell you that a strong and flourishing human society is impossible under lockdown, or with a 1.5 meter or any other clinically insane "social distancing". So if both aren't very shortly lifted, human life as known on this planet will literally be completely lost. That's not fiction, that's a fact.


Recommended Reading: The Final Speech from The Great DictatorA Letter to The Future by James Corbett

Recommended Viewing: Worldwide Anti-Lockdown & Social Distancing Protests

Listen to what Kary Mullis, The Inventor of The PCR Test, had to say about The Misuse and Interpretation of The PCR Test

Last updated: August 13, 2021 at 9:27 am

These are some of the statements that Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR Test, makes in the first video below:

And with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there is just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of in your body. So that could be thought of as a misuse of it – to claim that it's meaningful.


It (i.e. PCR) allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable, and then talk about it in meetings and stuff like it is important. 


PCR is just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you're sick, and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you, or anything like that.


Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Test, 1993 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

In the next video, Kary Mullis explains why he began to question the official narrative for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which supposedly causes AIDS. The statements he makes in the video below can also be applied to "SARS-CoV-2", the name of "a virus" that doesn't exist, which supposedly causes "COVID-19", "the disease" that doesn't exist. TO DATE there is not a scientific paper ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET, that proves "SARS-CoV-2" has been isolated as a "novel coronavirus" that causes "COVID-19". 

As Celia Farber very accurately states in her April 2020 article titled Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?

The reason Bill Gates wants you to believe a Corona Virus will exterminate over 450 million people is that he hates nature, God, and you. (A subjective interpretation.)


Why is that? You’d have to ask his psychiatrist.

I'm not religious, so I would say that Gates and his cronies hate Prime Creator and Everything That Is Good About Life. Think about it people, with the combined fortunes the Davos psychopaths have acquired, they could clean up the oceans, end world hunger, fund research into free energy and clean energy, to name but a few enlightened causes, but NO. There is only ONE thing at the top of all their to-do lists at the moment, and that is to exterminate 3/4 of the people on the planet, to make the population easier to control for the next stage of the agenda. I haven't been proven wrong yet, have I?

Sources: houseofnumbers.com and House of Numbers' YouTube channel

Kary Mullis talks about Anthony Fauci

I also wanted to update this article with a clip from one of Jeremy Elliot's Iconic podcasts titled Communist Subversion Part 2. This 2-part series has been censored on YouTube (..of course), but it was also uploaded to his Bitchute channel. The clip from Part 2 that I posted below provides excellent additional information about what a virus actually is and how the PCR Test works. As Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter explain in their article titled COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless:

Unfortunately, Mullis passed away last year at the age of 74, but there is no doubt that the biochemist regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.

The reason is that the intended use of the PCR was, and still is, to apply it as a manufacturing technique, being able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times, and not as a diagnostic tool to detect viruses.

In the video below you can also see how vaccinations are faked on television (the cap never comes off the needle!) and what happens and what is said when the cameras aren't on. If you STILL don't understand that "COVID-19" is a gargantuan BAMBOOZLE after you've watched this, there really is no hope for you, at all.

Some people may find it difficult to understand the science so I'll explain it in the simplest way I can think of. Logic alone should tell you that medical histories are UNIQUE. No two people on the planet have the exact same medical history or strength in their immune system. If you are someone who drinks alcohol, smokes, consumes large amounts of meat, and barely sleeps, you might as well go and get the "COVID-19 vaccine" because you're half dead (probably also mentally) already. Saying that identical "COVID-19 measures" need to be rolled out across the planet, regardless of location and regardless of personal medical histories, to "protect the population", is the same as saying that to protect your feet you should wear size 2 shoes even if you have size 6 feet. It would not only be extraordinarily uncomfortable if you'd manage to squeeze your sizeable feet into the tiny shoes, but it would also be completely insane to do it deliberately. The same goes for "SARS-CoV-2" and "COVID-19". They don't exist and there can NEVER, EVER be "a variant" of something that doesn't exist. "COVID-19" is Uncontrolled Insanity playing out on a global scale.

I must have said it a septillion times already but here's one more: 


Additional Recommended Reading:

PCR Inventor: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick”

 Update 13 August 2021 

I've only mentioned a fraction of the books I've read in my life on Be Brilliant, because in this day and age I think documentaries and videos are a very effective and helpful way to convey information.

As I've said many times before, if you don't understand the Ideology of the creatures who think it's an excellent idea to hold an entire planet hostage and try to exterminate 3/4 of its population – which is completely psychopathic and Satanic – you will NEVER understand the lie and real agenda behind "COVID-19". 

If you want to have a better understanding of the psychopathy of the perpetrators, read these books in addition to the articles I will list below:

People of the Lie – The Hope for Healing Human Evil by M. Scott Peck, M.D. I don't subscribe to Dr. Peck's religious views but I've enjoyed the analytical and philosophical aspects of his books in The Road Less Traveled series. In my opinion, and this is how I live my life, evil should not and cannot be forgiven, EVER, but it has to be eradicated. The completely self-destructive religious notion of "having to turn the other cheek", is actually what has made this world the extremely low vibrational insane asylum that it's turned into. If people never have to experience the consequence of their actions, they'll never learn and they'll never change. Look at your own life's experiences and look at the world around you and tell me I'm wrong. I don't think so.

The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D

Snakes in Suits – When Psychopaths Go To Work by Dr. Paul Babiak and Dr. Robert D. Hare

The Empathy Trap – Understanding Antisocial Personalities by Dr. Jane McGregor and Tim McGregor

Additional Recommended Reading and Viewing:

Fishead: Are Political And Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?

Mark Passio: De-Mystifying The Occult Part II – Satanism & The Dark Occult

A Perfect Example of The Psychopathic/Satanic Mind – Theodore Robert Bundy a.k.a Ted Bundy

Political Ponerology – A Science On The Nature of Evil Adjusted For Political Purposes

 Update 12 August 2021 

An excellent article by Professor Michel ChossudovskyDoes the Virus Exist? The SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? Biggest Fraud in Medical History

 Update 2 August 2021 

Additionele Informatie Voor Inwoners van Nederland (alleen Nederlandstalig)

Mr. drs. Arno G.W. van Kessel spreekt zich uit over "COVID-19": De Staat is een Criminele Organisatie 

Deze presentatie wordt op bijna alle platformen gecensureerd, en de bovenstaande link is de video op Rumble.com. Volledige url: https://rumble.com/v2a5w7y-de-staat-is-een-criminele-organisatie-and-covid-19-is-een-project.html

Ik zou zeggen, als je denkt dat ik overdrijf, luister naar wat deze advocaat te zeggen heeft over de huidige en toekomstige situatie in de wereld als gevolg van de "COVID-19" farce.

Artsen Voor Waarheid

Zie ook: Aangifte tegen Rutte en De Jonge wegens ‘zeer ernstige misdrijven tegen de mensheid’

Kinderen, COVID-19 En De Zomer van 2021 (PDF)

 Update 3 August 2021 

Een interview met Ronald Bernhard, voormalig bankier en oud-lid van de zogenaamde "Illuminati" (Dutch with English Subs)

Deel 1, Deel 2, Deel 3, Deel 4, Deel 5

Documentaire van Tim Gielen over de corporaties achter The Great Reset

Monopoly: Een Totaalplaatje van The Great Reset (Dutch spoken)

Overige Nederlandstalige bronnen van informatie


Hoe Zit Het Nu Echt?

The World Economic Forum’s Plan for the Destruction Of Life On Earth and Why Their Plan Is Going To Fail

Last updated: December 14, 2022 at 11:55 am

A brilliant commentary by Andrew Harvey about "The Great Reset" that I came across today. He is the founder and Director of The Institute for Sacred Activism and this is a clip from a live stream he did on January 29th, 2021.

Also see: Savage Grace by Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker


 Posted 16 March 2021 

Simply put, their plans are going to fail because, first and foremost, THERE IS NO PANDEMIC, and there are too many variables that have come into play, which are all way beyond the control of the Davos Psychopaths. Every single human being on the planet represents a variable, and next to the global population, there are, what you may call, many on- and off-world presences of Light working for the benefit of Humanity.

More than that, they already KNOW their plan for total world domination is going to fail, and that's why they're going ballistic. 

The Planet itself is a living, sentient being and she has a mind of her own. Even if they would succeed in wiping out the entire population (but they WON'T succeed), it is highly unlikely that she will allow their agenda to roll out on the surface of her majestic being.

As the "COVID-19" Psychosis isn't over yet, however, I advise you to stay vigilant and be very mindful of where you place the bulk of your attention. Practice mainstream media distancing, not social distancing!, so you're not brainwashed into the outcome that the psychopaths want. Envision instead, the outcome that will elevate Humanity as a species.

Sources: Truth Unmuted and Truthunmuted.org

Jeremy Elliot Iconic Monologue about "COVID-19" and World Government

On an interesting historical note, look how far back the plan for "COVID-19" goes:

Cartoon from the 1930's – How to Take Control of the World

Once again, Predictive Programming at its best.

 Update 13 February 2022 

As the Tonga eruption happened a month ago (tomorrow), I'm posting this update for those of you who still think, that there is no connection between what goes on in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and how The Planet can and will respond. I've also decided to rename the site itoldyouso.com. (…no, I won't, but start paying attention!)

Also see: 2021’s Volcanic Eruptions Caused Major Destruction and 2021 on track to become record-breaking year of major earthquakes. I don't support the religious passages, but this March 7th, 2021 article points out that 'authorities' claimed in 2021 that "there is nothing to worry about."

Most recent, 10 February 2022Etna eruption causes storm with lightning

You can keep an eye on earthquake and volcanic activity in your region on these links: Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) Global interactive mapEarthquake Trackand When The Earth Is Angry

Keep in mind, if Yellowstone has a major eruption it's Goodbye Humanity, Hello Ice Age, i.e. The Planet will perform her own version of The Great Reset.

 Update 4 August 2021 

Don't want to say I told you so, AGAIN, but I did. This video about Yellowstone was posted yesterday, August 3rd, 2021, by Mary Greely on her YouTube channel Mary Greeley News. It came to my attention this morning.

Yellowstone Is Not Normal, It's Screaming, Harmonic Tremors Aug. 3 2021

This video may seem out of context for this article but I'm embedding it here because this event is very (if not to say extraordinarily) important; if Humanity doesn't Course Correct, The Planet will. This is indeed Hopi Prophecy Coming True, and I advise you to look into the wisdom and warnings of The Native Americans if you haven't done so yet.

 Update 2 August 2021 

Dutch Documentary – Monopoly: Een Totaalplaatje van The Great Reset (Dutch spoken)

English version: Monopoly – Follow The Money

Zie ook: Youtube verwijdert Monopoly: Een Totaalplaatje van The Great Reset

If you care about your future and, if you are a parent, your children's future, you'll have to fight the New World Order with non-compliance. I will say this though; Yellowstone will erupt before their plans ever come to full fruition. As I wrote on March 16th in the introduction to this article, The Planet is a living, sentient being and she will not let this agenda unfold on her surface; guess what happened on March 19th. The Planet is getting restless and the buck stops with her. 

The Power of Volcanoes Part 1

The Power of Volcanoes Part 2


Must Watch: Listen to what Kary Mullis, The Inventor of The PCR Test, had to say about The Misuse and Interpretation of The PCR Test

Additional Recommended Reading & Viewing

The Great Reset to the Robot Planet

The Transgender Phenomenon and The Transhumanism Agenda

Angry Registered Nurse with a Master’s Degree Has Had It With The COVID-19 Hoax 

PLANDEMIC II – Indoctornation

VAXXED I – From Cover-Up to Catastrophe & VAXXED II – The People’s Truth

A Humble Journey – The Story of MMS or How To Avoid Pharmageddon

World Health Sovereignty Summit and the International Tribunal for Natural Justice

RESONANCE – Beings of Frequency

5G – The Agenda for Total Control

The Great Reset versus The Great Global Awakening

The REAL Pandemic Part 2 of 2: Missing Children, Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking 


The Transgender Phenomenon and The Transhumanism Agenda

To this day, even after everything that has happened since 2020, it still isn't clear to a great many people that the popularization of the Transgender phenomenon, is an integral part of the Transhumanism Agenda. 

I therefore think it's important for me to clearly state the following:

If you weren't born with a uterus and the ability to have a menstrual cycle (until menopause), You Are Not A Woman. Personally, I don't believe in "menopause" because I know people don't have to age (I don't for instance, which freaks people outsmiley), but that's a story for another article.

If you were born with a uterus but are unable to bear children, it doesn't make you any less of a woman.

If you were born as a man, but are deeply unhappy in your body and think you need a sex change, by all means, have it and good for you! Realize however that you have never been, and will never be a woman.

If you are a man who strongly identifies with the female sex, and you don't have a sex change but you start dressing up as a woman (and once again, good for you!), it still doesn't make you a woman. 

I can reverse the entire section above to make it applicable to women:

If you were born as a woman, but are deeply unhappy in your body and think you need a sex change, by all means, have it and good for you! Realize however that you have never been, and will never be a man because you weren't born with a penis.

If you are a woman who strongly identifies with the male sex, and you don't have a sex change but you start dressing up as a man (and once again, good for you!), it still doesn't make you a man. 

On another note:

If you were born as a man, identify as a man, and are only attracted to men, good for you, and you're still a man.

If you were born as a woman, identify as a woman, and are only attracted to women, good for you, and you're still a woman.

If you're attracted to both sexes but identify as the sex that you were born with, good for you, and you will still be either a man or a woman.

I could go on and on but I think I've made my point and it really is that simple. No need for judgment and/or confusion.

Last year I watched an episode of South Park, in which Cartman started to identify himself as "Transginger" so he could use the girls' bathroom. It was an exceptionally funny episode (really made me LoL), and it illustrated the points that I outlined above. Here's a clip from that episode:

The Transgender/Transhumanism Agenda is about deliberately trying to confuse men, women, and children about their true nature, so they stop identifying with who and what they really are. That's where the diabolical part comes in.

I'm writing this article to inform people who are not yet aware, that popularizing the Transgender phenomenon is part of a Gender War that is being waged by the creatures who are behind the Transhumanism/Eugenics Agenda, in an attempt to weaken and ultimately erase the Male and Female sex, and Humanity as a whole.  

Mark Passio has an exceptional presentation on this subject which I posted in April 2020: Mark Passio: The Unholy Feminine – Neo-Feminism & The Satanic Epi-Eugenics Agenda, and I strongly encourage you to watch it in its entirety if you haven't done so yet.