A Perfect Example of The Psychopathic/Satanic Mind – Theodore Robert Bundy a.k.a Ted Bundy

Murderers do not come out in the dark with long teeth and saliva dripping off their chin.


People don't realize that there are killers among them. People they liked, loved, lived with, worked with and admired, could the next day turn out to be the most demonic people imaginable.  


– Ted Bundy on the Bundy Tapes

As a result of "COVID-19", it has become and is becoming increasingly clear to the global population, that many people in the public eye are not AT ALL what they present themselves to be, or what they are portrayed as by the mainstream media. The sad and sick reality of today's world is that the majority of people who are held in the highest regard, like politicians, religious leaders, celebrities, so-called "royalty" and other "highly esteemed" figures in the public eye, are TRULY some of the vilest, most despicable, and repulsive creatures on the planet. The current global system is set up in such a way, that there is no way for anyone to rise to what is seen as "the pinnacle" of any field, unless they are Satanic. This is why Planet Earth is in for a long-overdue overhaul.

I've already posted another article that explains in great detail what Satanism is, so suffice it to say here that Satanism is the Absolute Worship of Death and Destruction, in every way, shape, and form. Satanism is the polar opposite of everything that is considered to be Life and Joy by those who are highly evolved, and the number 1 objective of Satanist is to destroy Life and Joy wherever and whenever they can, by any means necessary. "COVID-19" is the perfect example of an attempt to unleash Satanism on a global scale. 

I'm using Ted Bundy as a case study in this post because it is absolutely essential for people to realize, that those with a Psychopathic/Satanic mindset aren't only operating on a global level, but can be found in both genders and in ALL walks of life. Psychopaths and Satanists can be found in what are regarded as the highest and lower, "every day" levels of society. 

The Bundy case is an exceptional example of how a seemingly handsome and charming man, who seemed to be a very respectable and model citizen, was, IN FACT, a completely deranged, indescribably perverted serial killer.

It's extremely important for people to understand (especially those who believe in "forgiveness" because of their religious beliefs), that there IS such a thing as Evil and it is NOT to be reasoned with. NOT EVER. It is to be eradicated without mercy or exception, in order for life on Earth to thrive and flourish again. 

Ted Bundy – Mind of a Monster

Additional Recommened Viewing:

I've made it very clear that I don't endorse Amazon, ever, but if YOU are on Amazon Prime this is additional recommended viewing:

Ted Bundy – Falling For a Killer

Tomorrow’s God

Last updated: August 20, 2020 at 0:10 am

This article contains a number of excerpts from Neale Donald Walsh's book 'Tomorrow's God'(2004). It's not necessary for you to believe that the content was delivered by a 'Divine Source' to benefit from it, as Walsch has also said many times about all his 'With God' books.

My advice: Buy the book and read it to find out which parts of the message resonate with you, and use the wisdom that was conveyed for the benefit of Humanity.


We need a new God.

I know

No, I'm serious. We need a new God. The old God isn't working anymore.

The old one never worked.

Some people think it did.

They were not looking at the world around them.

They weren't?

Not honestly. Not comprehensively. They were seeing only what they wanted to see. They were not seeing the cruelty and the fighting and the killing that was going on in God's name. They were not seeing the separation and the oppression and the fear and the utter dysfunction. Or worse yet, they were seeing it and they played into it. They used it as a means of controlling the people. In truth, the old God, Yesterday's God, might have made individual lives work here and there – perhaps even many of them – but that God was never able to create a just society or a joyful, harmonious civilization, to say nothing of a peaceful world. And that God can't even do that today


Even today with all your powers of instant communication and total connection and advanced comprehension and increased awareness and sophisticated technology and marvelous miracles, you can't produce the simple, humble experience for which humanity has yearned from the beginning of time. You can't produce peace.

I know.

You can't produce lasting joy.

I know.

And the God in whom you believe can't either.

Why? Why? Why can't all the best efforts of humanity and all the help we've begged for, and received, from God produce this result?

Because the God in whom you believe isn't real. The God in whom you believe is made up. It is a God you created out of thin air, having nothing to do with Ultimate Reality.

Well, there's a challenging thought. That's just about the greatest blasphemy.

All great truths begin as blasphemy. The time to challenge your most sacred beliefs is at hand. If you don't challenge your beliefs soon, your beliefs are going to challenge you. This book is meant to be challenging. This book is meant to save the world.

Will it?

That's up to the world.

Why? Why isn't it up to you? If you're God, why isn't it up to you? 

Because my function is not to save the world. My function is to create it. 

And after you create it you don't care what happens?

I care what happens as much as you do.

No, you don't. If you care what happens as much as we do you won't let the world destroy itself.

You mean if I care what happens more than you do. If I care what happens as much as you do, I will let the world destroy itself because that is exactly what you are doing. Since I care only as much as you do, the world in which you live may very well be destroyed. At the very least, life as you know it could be irrevocably altered.


And if that's what happens, I will let it happen.

Why? Why won't you do something to stop it?

Because you won't.

We can't and you can. You're God. You can do what humans cannot.

Your statement is inaccurate. I can and YOU can. But I will not, unless you do.

Why not? What kind of God are you?

The best kind there is. The only kind there is. The kind who gives you Free Will and who will never, ever interfere with that.

Not even to save us from ourselves?

If I saved you from yourselves, then you wouldn't BE "yourselves", but only a slave to me. You would not have Free Will. Your will would be free only until you did something that I did not want you to do. Then, I would stop the exercise of your free will and make you do what I want you to do.

Of course you would. If you were half the God that humans think you are, you would stop us from destroying ourselves. You would do what is best for us. You would make us do what is best for us.

By whose assessment, and by who's definition?


"Best" by whose assessment, and "us" by whose definition?

By yours. By your assessment. By your definition. You would define what is meant by the term "us", you would decide what is "best" for us, and then you would make what is "best" happen for all of "us". We depend on you to do this. That's what God is for.

Really? Is that what you think?


It is the perception of many people on this earth that your job – God's job – is to tell human beings what is best for them. You tell us what is best for us, and then it is up to us to do it, or else. This is a simplified restating of one of humanity's sacred beliefs.

That belief is a fallacy. That is not God's job and that is not God's purpose and that is not God's function. It is the job and purpose of the God that many of you have created in your imaginations, but not of the God who really is. It is the function of Yesterday's God, but not of Tomorrow's God.


You have asked to know about Tomorrow's God, and Tomorrow's God will have little to do with yesterday's reality. Yet there will be nothing here that you cannot understand, nothing here that you are unable to comprehend. All that will be asked of you is that you open your mind.

How do I do this? That is a psychological trick that I don't know how to "do" on command.

It is not a psychological trick, it is a physiological process that you can do with your body.

I can acquire an open mind through something I do with my body?

Yes. The body and the mind are interlinked and interconnected. They are not separate from one another. Your brain is part of your body. Your mind is not your brain, but you can open your mind using your brain. Every mystical training and spiritual teaching tells you this, each in its own way. Avatars and masters of every tradition have declared it.

What do I have to do?

Simply breathe in the Life that is all around you. Breathe deeply, with the natural rhythm of Life, for an extended period. Sit or lie quietly while you do this.

Oh yes, I've heard of this. In some trainings this is called "breath work".

Yes. Now, as you inhale, feel yourself taking in the energy of Life. After breathing deeply for a while, imagine this energy of Life entering through a portal at the top of your head. Watch with your internal eye as it courses through your body. As you exhale, let it exit through your feet. Do this a number of times. Scan your body with your mind. Now imagine filling your brain with this energy. Feel the oxygen fill your brain, feeding and nourishing the cells there. Feel the cells of your brain expand. Do this intentionally for seven minutes. 


You may feel a little light-headed after this. Do not worry about that. You may feel light-headed because you will be light-headed. You have sent the golden-white light of  the energy of life to your brain. You have directed it there intentionally. This lightens your brain cells. You may feel a sense of enlightenment. With that physical feeling may come an increased awareness of Life, of everything around you. Do not be surprised if this occurs. You have openend your mind, exposing it to the gentle breeze of expanded consciousness.


Now you may go back and reread what you have just read.


You seem to be using the word "Life" a lot here. And you have said before, in previous dialogues, that this word is interchangeable for the word "God". Is this what you want humanity to understand at last? Will Tomorrow's God not require us to "believe in God" in the conventional sense, but merely to believe in "Life"?

When you believe in Life, you do believe in God, whether you say it in so many words or not. You can be an atheist or an agnostic or anything in between, and it will not matter to Tomorrow's God. It does not matter today, but tomorrow all of you will know this. Tomorrow every human will understand. And that understanding will be good, because it will eliminate much of the conflict that has resulted from each of you believing in your particular God in your particular way.


You have not been able to agree with each other on this topic when you have used the word "God" or "Allah" or "Jehovah", "Brahman" or the many other names that you have given to the Essence and the Being, the All and the Only. Now I suggest that there is another word for God, the meaning of which you may all agree upon. When this word is exchanged for the word "God", everything suddenly becomes simple and clear.

And that word is "Life"?

Yes. "Life" is the one word in your many languages that comes closest to carrying the meaning that some of you are seeking when you use the words "Allah" or "God" or "Brahman", or "Vishnu" or "Shiva", and that you hope describes or can be a container for "the stuff that God is". In one word, LIFE is the "stuff that God is".


Life IS. Life is that which IS. It has no shape, no form, no gender. It has no color, no fragrance, no size. It is ALL shapes, all forms, all colors, fragrances and sizes. It is both genders and that which is genderless as well. It is the All, and the Everything, and it is the No Thing from which everything emerges. There is nothing that Life creates that is not Life Itself. All that you see everywhere around you is Life, expressing. Life is everything. It runs in, as, and through everything. YOU are Life, expressing. And Life is You, expressing itself as you. Everybody else is Life, expressing.There is no one, not a single living being, who is not an expression of Life. Even those you consider the worst among you are an expression of Life.


None of these statements seem controversial. Not many people would seriously argue with them. The truth of these statements seems obvious on the surface. Now play a little trick on yourself. Play a little game. Exchange the word "Life" for the word "God" and see what happens. Watch your mind go crazy. Make the statement, the exact same statement, as above, but use the word "God" in place of the word "Life" and watch what your mind does with it.


Yes. Some people would find the first statement perfectly reasonable and the second statement blasphemous.

That is because some of you have been imagining that. God is NOT Life, but rather, that God stands outside of Life, creating Life, but not being it. Yet I tell you this:

The word "Life" and the word "God" are interchangeable. When you understand this, you will understand the basis of the New Spirituality, you will have a one-word definition of Tomorrow's God, and you will have the makings of an almost automatic inner guidance system for living the New Spirituality that can change the collective experience on your planet.


Right now you are violating your own instincts. Your instincts are telling you that what you are doing to your world and to your very Self is destructive, yet you continue to do these things anyway. And so you are Life, ignoring the message of Life Itself, but you will not be allowed to ignore that message for very long. As I have said, Life will change its form before it will allow any Part of Life to render Life itself dysfunctional. And so you will see individuals who ignore the most important and functional messages of Life changing their form. To put this in your own terms, they will die.


Humanity's major fallacies about God and about Life make for a deadly litany of error that has created and continues to create to this very moment, a world of deep anger, brutal violence, terrible loss, unrelenting sorrow, and unremitting terror. You think you are being terrorized by other people but in truth you are being terrorized by your beliefs. These are what you must change if you are ever to realize your dream of living in a world of peace, harmony, and happiness. If you wish to sustain life as you know it- if you wish to have something to pass on to your children and to your children's children- you will have to pay serious attention to giving birth to a new set of beliefs, a new human theology, a New Spirituality.


Your beliefs create your behaviors and, I repeat, that is true whether you believe in what you call "God" or not. For these reasons I have come to you now. For your world waits in silent apprehension, its people living in fear of the next great devastation, the next outbreak of war, the next fast-spreading virus, the next ecological disaster, the next terrorist attack, the next upheaval – as if the struggles of day-to-day survival were not enough.


I have come to you in this critical juncture in your species' history to bring you news of Tomorrow's God, of the kind of faith that humanity will create, of the kind of beliefs that humanity will embrace, in its future – and to invite humanity to create that future in the Present Moment of Now.


If you want this situation to change, if you want to head off the collapse of the entire system that has produced such inequities, you will explore the possibility of bringing a New Spirituality to the planet sooner, rather than later. Because the problem here is spiritual. It is not economic and it is not political. And it certainly is not military. 


It has to do with what people believe about each other, about their relationship to each other, about God, and about Life.


But you will create critical mass around the idea of changing things, if, and only if, you "get" that not to change things is creating critical mass in another direction – a direction that you may not wish to take.

In other words, we had better change things, or things are going to change for us, in ways that we do not prefer. And when these changes that we do not prefer start to really mount up, we will change. We will change our ideas about Life, if only as a means of survival.

Not "if only". Primarily. Primarily as a means of survival, you will change. If your survival is directly threatened, you will do what you have to do. You will even change your most sacred and long-held beliefs about yourselves, about God, about Life, about everything, if you have to. You will always choose survival, make no mistake about that. You are encoded to do so. This instinct is, as I said earlier, "built-in." Life is functional, adaptable, and sustainable. Always. And if you have to choose just exactly what it is that is going to survive – your species, or the beliefs of your species – you will choose your species and abandon your beliefs.


You would abandon those beliefs that are killing you, that are impairing your ability to survive, right now, but the negative effect of most of your damaging beliefs is so insidious, is so slow in showing itself, that you do not recognize them as being damaging.


You do not need unfriendly aliens to attack you. You are acting as unfriendly aliens with each other, and you are attacking yourselves. You have thrown yourselves into the flames of your own fire. It has been ignited by the basic misunderstanding of humans about God and about Life, fallacies that have placed fear in the mind and hatred in the heart of humanity. 


When people think they are God, but act insanely, then they have not only forgotten who they are, they have also forgotten who God is. Your opportunity then is to remind them of who and what God is, and see if they want to step into that.


And just exactly what are we supposed to say?

Love, Say that, in a word, God is Love

And Freedom

In a word, God is Freedom.

And Joy.

In a word, God is Joy.

And Peace.

In a word, God is Peace.

And Unity.

In a word, God is Unity.


These are the grandest aspects of God and of Life and when people are being anything other than these things, they have forgotten Who They Are in their grandest version. 


Members of enlightened societies don't get directions, they set directions. They don't wait for someone else what to tell them what to do, they decide for themselves what they choose to do, based on what they wish to experience.


COVID-19 Is Not A Disease – It’s a Campaign of Terror Against Humanity

Last updated: August 18, 2020 at 20:15 pm

The title of this article is an edited version of one of the titles that I will list below. I think it's useful to share some articles from other authors, researchers and scientists on topics that I've also written about on Be Brilliant. These sources can be helpful to those who have embarked on a journey to find out the truth about "COVID-19".

As always, my advice to you is to not take anyone's word for anything, but to use your own discernment and to draw your own conclusions.

"COVID-19" and the Satanic Ideology of the Perpetrators

Masks are the hallmark of Satanism and Signal the Start of a Civil War

PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.

[Editor's note: there are articles floating around online that purport to be "massive updates" for PEDOGATE. In these articles it's stated that:

"5 million kids are being rescued from underground under the cover of Operation COVID-19. That is what is really going on with the lockdowns. They are to keep our kids inside and safe while the monsters are rounded up and executed. None will escape!" 

Needless to say that this is complete and utter BS and the abuse and slaughter of children is going on just as it was before. 

Epstein-Barr Syndrome goes viral: Trump has the worst case


"COVID-19" – The Deception, The Medical Scam, and The Economic Destruction

COVID-19 Does Not Exist: The Global Elite’s Campaign of Terror Against Humanity

We All Have Viruses, All The Time, as Part of our Virome and Immune System

COVID-19 Coronavirus Fake Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis

COVID-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

No one has died from the coronavirus

Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization

Scamdemic – How a Lock Step, Authoritarian, Top Down Control System Is Being Imposed on the World

The Big Lie Behind COVID-19 added 18 August 2020. I don't agree with the authors' statements about developing a vaccine or wearing masks and gloves ("COVID-19" is NOT a disease and ALL vaccines are poisons which destroy the body's natural immune system), but other than that this is an exceptionally well-written opinion piece from Stansberry Research. It also has the added benefit of hindsight and foresight, because the same scenarios will be used for "the second wave of COVID-19."

You really only need to remember one thing: EVERY statement, that ANY (former) government official, ANYWHERE in the world makes about how "COVID-19 is going to kill you and others if you don't follow the measures", is complete and utter bullshit. I'm serious, add the word 'bullshit' every time a government official ends a sentence that is related to "COVID-19" (..or anything else actually), and that will be the truth.


EVENT 201 – The Dry Run For "COVID-19"

Watch and listen to the Satanic Psychopaths' Dry Run for "COVID-19", which was held on October 18th, 2019. The sessions were recorded and made available online. (!) I kid you not.

Why would they give away their plans you ask? Because they know that the majority of people on the planet are intellectually lazy, gullible, and they will believe anything you tell them if you terrify them enough.

DON'T be one of those people.

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 2, Trade and Travel Discussion


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications Discussion and Epilogue Video


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 5, Hotwash and Conclusion