Epstein Island in Las Vegas and the Amazon series “Utopia” as Predictive Programming for COVID-19

Last updated: November 20, 2020 at 20:01 pm

If you thought that Satanic Ritual Abuse of children by the "elite" pedophiles of the world ended when Epstein was arrested, or that it will end when Trump or Biden is elected POTUS, Think Again. First of all, they are all part of the same agenda, and the past few months I have written extensively about the ideology that the "COVID-19" perpetrators live and die for. I've also shown you who and what they are.

The REAL Pandemic Part 1 of 2: MK ULTRA/Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control of People and Populations

The REAL Pandemic Part 2 of 2: Missing Children, Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking

Cathy O’Brien at the Free Your Mind 2 Conference (2013) – TRANCE Formation of America

Jay Parker at the Free Your Mind 4 Conference (2016): Humanity, The Programmable Species

Satanic/Illuminati Symbolism in the Entertainment Industry and Predictive Programming

Mark Passio: De-Mystifying The Occult Part II – Satanism & The Dark Occult

COVID-19 Is Not A Disease – It’s a Campaign of Terror Against Humanity

PLANDEMIC II | Indoctornation

Satanic Ritual Abuse of children and adults will end when the well-meaning and best People of The World start standing up and speaking out about this abuse whenever and wherever they can, instead of putting their faith in the abusers.

If you STILL can't believe that the so-called "elite" of the world use children, yes, especially children, as sexual playthings and if you want to know why the pharmaceutical industry is laughing out loud all the way to the bank, have a look at the most disgusting (if you know what you are actually looking at) and most expensive hotel room in the world.

It's called the "The Empathy Suite Sky Villaat the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas and it costs $ 100.000 per night with a 2-night minimum. The hotel refers to it as "Damien Hirst’s 9,000-square-foot masterpiece". Satanists destroy and/or invert the meaning of everything that is positive, so to them "The Empathy Suite Sky Villa" actually means "The No Empathy At All Suite Sky Villa. The name of the suite is meant to be sarcastic. If you're asking "come on! is this REALLY the most expensive hotel room in the world?!", have a look at how it's listed on the Luxury Travel Expert.com. As I've said from Day 1 on Be Brilliant, don't take my word for anything; do your own research and verify the information.

Update 20 November 2020:

In previous articles, I've written extensively about the utter uselessness of face masks because the "novel coronavirus" and "the pandemic" simply don't exist! I want to mention it again in an update here, as mask-wearing is another example of Satanic/Psychopathic inversion. I've NEVER worn a face mask and I haven't been sick ever since the start of "the pandemic" and do you know why? It's not just because I have a very strong immune system, but because there is NO PANDEMIC. The psychopaths want to make healthy people wear something on their face that actually makes it impossible to breathe or speak properly, and THAT is the only reason that mandatory face mask-wearing has been called into existence.

Remember the character Hannibal Lecter in the movie The Silence of the Lambs? That's the objective the Satanists want to achieve: "the silence of the lambs", i.e. the silence of the entire human population – men, women, and children – who they regard as nothing more than cattle. The term "herd immunity" is not a coincidence. Neither is the term "dog tag" which refers to the identification tag that military personnel wear around their neck. Let me remind you again of the dictionary definition of the word "herd": 

a typically large group of animals of one kind kept together under human control. (Merriam-Webster)

Ask yourself if this is who and what you are:

I found the video about "The Empathy Suite Sky Villa" in an excellent article on Vigilant Citizen.com and I saved the article in a PDF file on my site to keep it from disappearing from the internet. However, I encourage you to also visit Vigilant Citizen.com and to support the author if you like his content, because he also does some very good research.

The presenter in this video is apparently completely clueless about what he is looking at and commenting on.

Another excellent article on Vigilant Citizen with regard to Predictive Programming that is worth taking note of is How the Series “Utopia” Eerily Predicted 2020. In this article, the author carefully asks if this series was intended to "announce" COVID-19. After reading the article, watching the trailer of the series, and the first 2 episodes (so far) I can only say DUH!!, yes OF COURSE this series is meant as Predictive Programming for "COVID-19", right up to the Bill Gatesian-looking Dr. Christie and a focus on children as the main patients in a flu pandemic.

What you have to understand is that the "elite" believe they can escape karmic retribution if they announce their plans in advance (via mainstream media) but they of course cannot. The song that Amazon uses for the trailer is ACTUALLY "It's The End Of The World" by R.E.M. and the hook of that song is the phrase "It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine". In music, the word "hook" refers to that part of a song that catches the ear of the listener. In other words, it's a lyrical line or melodic phrase that makes the song memorable.

Once again, I Kid You Not. Watch the trailer:

If after watching and reading all this it is STILL your firm belief that "COVID-19" is a "real disease" that came "out of nowhere", and it has nothing to do with implementing a Fascists Global Surveillance State, you are ignorant beyond words and there is really no reason for you to be on my website. 

The site is called Be Brilliant, not Be Mind-Numbingly Stupid, for a reason.

As you may have noticed, I don't mince words – not on my website and not in my personal life. I'm allergic to blatant stupidity and with the state that the world is currently in I have neither time, nor patience, nor the inclination to deal with the delicate sensibilities of those whom I consider to be willfully ignorant. 

Recommended Reading: The Bizarre Denver International Airport

Satanic/Illuminati Symbolism in the Entertainment Industry and Predictive Programming

Last updated: February 11, 2021 at 10:43 am

This is a very good presentation by Mark Devlin, in which he shows in great detail how Satanic and Illuminati symbolism are used in the entertainment industry. If you are new to the site, it's best to watch this short clip first: Illuminati Symbolism – It’s Everywhere!

As bad as the lockdown has been (and will be if it's reinstated to "sell the second wave"), it's also the ONLY way in which it would have been possible to wake-up a significant portion of the global population to what's really happening in the world. The Satanic psychopaths may very well be digging their own graves by doing it again, but the Battle of the Century isn't over yet so stay sharp!


In his presentation Mark Devlin mentions predictive programming and I want to elaborate on that, as it was also done with "COVID-19" in a HUGE way. Again, if you're new to the site some reading is required for a better understanding: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By The Mass Media

The presentation below about predictive programming is also very good, but it might be too advanced for "newbies" as it mentions Universal/Natural Law, The Mandela Effect and retrocausality, which you probably won't understand if you don't know anything about quantum theory. You can watch the highlighted videos if you want to dig deeper after you've seen the presentation.

Predictive Programming Is More Than What We Thought

SO, how was predictive programming used for "COVID-19" you ask? The opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London was a predictive programming exercise for "COVID-19". Ask yourself, with the knowledge you have now, what all the things you are about to see have to do with a sporting event on that scale. I'll tell you in case you can't figure it out: if you want to pull off a fake pandemic, you need another global event to reach as many people as possible to plant the idea "that they've seen this before somewhere", so the public's mind quickly switches to "I saw it before so it must be real and it must be possible and it must be true" when the bogus scenario is presented. What better event than the Olympics to reach a massive global audience.

Notice how much attention is paid to terrorizing children!, which is related to this article that I posted on July 20th: The REAL Pandemic Part 2 of 2: Missing Children, Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking. The ceremony actually ends with people standing around what seems to be a depiction of a dismembered body of a baby. 

The maker of this video also commented, as I did in the above mentioned article, that the people behind "COVID-19" will be coming for the children next. They've been called out by several researchers now, which could prevent this from happening, but I strongly advise you to stay very vigilant if you are a parent.

If you are someone who still believes the government's version of "COVID-19", ask yourself where you will draw the line for what you go along with. I mentioned that before in this article Worldwide Anti-Lockdown & Social Distancing Protests.

How much further does the current global situation have to deteriorate before you say NO?


How Hollywood used Predictive Programming for "COVID-19"

Do you now understand why so many people were saying they had a distinct feeling that they were watching a movie when "COVID-19" started playing out globally? Because that's how they were pre-programmed to accept "COVID-19" – through movies and television. 

I really don't give a rat's a^^ about being called "a conspiracy theorist". Show me your research to prove me wrong and if you can't it's time for you to shut up. The train to Wake The Bleep Up has left the station and if you're not on it by now you will never catch-up.

The REAL Pandemic Part 2 of 2: Missing Children, Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking

Last updated: March 3, 2021 at 18:09 pm

THIS is the topic that should be on the front page of every newspaper and discussed on every television and radio station every single day, but it's not.

THIS is what the massive global intelligence and surveillance apparatus should be used for, but it's not. ALL the perpetrators could be very easily located, tried and convicted, but they are not.

THIS is what every single person who holds a public office in ANY country should be investigating, but they are not.

Ask yourself WHY.

The answers are given in the videos and documentaries below. Viewer discretion is advised.

Share this information with everyone you know because it's highly likely that "COVID-19" will also be used, as a pretext to take children out of their parental homes for "health and safety reasons".

Yes, that means they can come for YOUR child/children too. Don't think they won't.

This is a clip from the Highwire episode 'Blowing The Whistle on COVID-19'. You can watch the full episode in this post.

Update 22 February 2021: 

Article: Pure Evil: The Boys and Girls Being Sold for Sex Has Risen During COVID-19

Update 3 March 2021: 

The source of the video below, which I posted on February 22nd, 2021, was a Bitchute channel named Exposing CorruptionI found out today that this channel has been deleted from Bitchute, which means that Bitchute is apparently becoming YouTube2. If you find a broken link on my website don't panic! I have multiple copies of all videos so everything can be replaced.

Viewer discretion advised, but people need to wake up to what is being done to millions of children on a daily basis. There is NOTHING funny about pedophile child sex trafficking and satanic blood rituals.


Update 6 August 2020

This is an excerpt from Mark Passio's podcast episode 231, in which he shows in graphic detail how children are sexually abused and slaughtered in Satanic Rituals. Viewer Discretion Advised

Update 22 July 2020

Satanic Government Pedophiles Exposed

Very wise words from the maker of this video:  

If you can't trust government officials with your children, what can you trust them with?

The answer is of course: Nothing. What I found particularly interesting is the very short 2005 clip he used (starts at 2:22), in which U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney questioned then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld over the Dyncorp scandals. Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense at the time of 9/11 and he also has a professional background in the pharmaceutical and the tech industry. This is an excerpt from Rumsfeld's bio on the website of the U.S. Department of Defense:

From 1977 to 1985 he [Rumsfeld] served as Chief Executive Officer, President, and then Chairman of G.D. Searle & Co., a worldwide pharmaceutical company. The successful turnaround there earned him awards as the Outstanding Chief Executive Officer in the Pharmaceutical Industry from the Wall Street Transcript (1980) and Financial World (1981). From 1985 to 1990 he was in private business.


Mr. Rumsfeld served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General Instrument Corporation from 1990 to 1993, a leader in broadband transmission, distribution, and access control technologies. Until being sworn in as the 21st Secretary of Defense, Mr. Rumsfeld served as Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences, Inc., a pharmaceutical company.

I've said it SO many times, but once again for people who are new to the site: All Roads Lead Back to Rome and 9/11. 9/11 was the prelude to "COVID-19"

In her question, McKinney clearly states that Dyncorp, the company that was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children, was kept under contract by the U.S. Government for administering the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and was then [in 2005] also working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.

"COVID-19" was planned YEARS ago and ALL major global events and scandals are linked together.

McKinney fails to mention however, that MK ULTRA survivor Cathy O’Brien stated in her testimony before Congress that Dick Cheney, George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton indulged in human hunting. You can read more in the article on Cathy O'Brien's website titled Dick Cheney Unmasked.

If people don't start paying attention NOW and take a stand AGAINST the "COVID-19" laws and measures, the bat-sh*t-insane people behind "COVID-19" WILL be coming for the world's children next. 

Also read and watch the updates in this article: Sex Crimes and The Vatican


Spies, Lords and Predators


An Open Secret – Pedophilia in Hollywood


Why Are So Many Children Going Missing?


The Church's Dark Secret – The Hidden Truth behind Child Abuse

Related: Sex Crimes and The Vatican

Also watch the movie Spotlight which is based on a true story.


The Satanic Connection to Missing Children 


Conspiracy of Silence


Ted Gunderson, Former FBI Bureau Chief, Exposes the Illuminati


The REAL Pandemic Part 1 of 2: MK ULTRA/Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control of People and Populations

The 3 short documentaries in this article, which were made by Jay Myers for his YouTube channel, give an excellent explanation of what MK ULTRA/Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control of People and Populations is. Very well-researched and highly recommended viewing. I will feature more documentaries from his channel in upcoming articles.

I've said repeatedly that "COVID-19" is also designed to traumatize the global population to such an extent, that they will mindlessly go along with the agenda for the Global Fascist Surveillance State. 

The majority of the people on this planet would NEVER voluntarily forsake the very foundation of their Humanity, which is the right to live and interact freely with other human beings, unless they are severely traumatized into believing that this is necessary for their very survival, WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE with "COVID-19". It's not a disease and there is no "pandemic".

Your survival does not depend on wearing a face mask, or maintaining a permanent 1.5-meter distance from every other human being on the planet, or getting poison that is being marketed as medicine injected into your body. 

If you haven't seen it yet, this presentation by Mark Passio is also a must-watch if you want to understand the ideology of the creatures behind "COVID-19": Mark Passio: De-Mystifying The Occult Part II – Satanism & The Dark Occult.

MK ULTRA/Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control (2016)

6 Signs of MK ULTRA/Monarch Mind Control (2018)

Something Strange Is Happening at The Mall (2018)