As you may have noticed the updates on Be Brilliant are very few and very far between, as I now want the site to be a reference and knowledge base for people who are interested in doing their own research, but need a few pointers on subjects that are interesting to explore.
I first heard about Tom Campbell's work a week ago when I watched a number of interviews on a podcast on YouTube. Tom Campbell is a physicist and consciousness researcher and he's devised a Theory of Everything, which is his version of a unified field theory, i.e. the merging of general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Before starting on the book I decided to watch several of the presentations and interviews that are available on his YouTube channel and I have to say that even though I don't agree with everything he has to say, from what I've seen so far, his model really is quite brilliant. Very simply put and highly condensed, the basic tenets of his theory are: consciousness and free will are fundamental, love is the key, and human beings are here to lower their entropy to improve the quality of their consciousness, i.e. togrow up and evolve, not de-evolve. In my opinion this is especially revelant at this point in human history as the number of so called "adults" who have severe mental health problems, and act like pychotic 2 year olds, seems to be increasing.
Tom Campbell has more than 1000 videos on his YouTube channel and you don't have to be interested in, or know anything about physics to understand what he is trying to convey. The presentation below is a good place to start. Please note that if you have the attention span of a goldfish and the IQ of a box of hair ( which case you shouldn't even be on my website!) you won't get anything out of it. BUT, as Tom Campbell says on his website, "if you have a logical, open, and inquisitive mind, an attitude of scientific pragmatism that appreciates the elegance of fundamental truth and the thrill of breakthrough, you will enjoy this journey of personal and scientific discovery." I fully agree with this statement.
I made this 2-part series earlier this weekend from a number of clips and documentaries I have in my collection. My objective is to shine a bright light on what is now being called ( some) "the dark night of the globe", and to provide you with inspiration and food for thought for the year ahead.
I will list all the clip sources below for those of you who wish to explore the subjects that are mentioned further, and as I've said many times before, use your own discernment when you review the material. Only follow-up on what resonates with you and leave the rest.
If you want to find out if working with certain sounds can indeed have a positive effect on your sense of well-being, do a keyword search on YouTube for Nature Sounds, Native American Flute Music, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and 432Hz music. Listen with headphones and close your eyes while you listen, to see how these make you feel. Try different videos and if they do nothing for you, that's absolutely fine. In that case, try different kinds of music.
Something else that you can try to improve your sense of well-being is an Orgone pyramid or an Orgone pendant. If you don't know what Orgone is you'll need to do some research on it first, and below are two websites that you can start with. Please note that I'm not affiliated with these stores, but the information that is provided there can help you to find the best store near you.
As I don't have any "COVID-19" updates planned for the site, I've thought of a new feature, namely DIY Research. The first article in this series, for those who are serious about educating themselves, is about Deep Fakes. The bottom line for DIY articles is that I know what the proposed subject matter is about, but I'm not going to tell you; you'll have to look into it yourself, hence DIY, Do It Yourself.
I've spent more than a decade and incalculable hours on research and writing for Be Brilliant, and I'm now pursuing other creative projects which also take up a LOT of my time.
The videos and links below are just to get you started. Deepfakes is a very important subject to study if you haven't done so yet.
Everybody Can Make Deepfakes Now!
Deepfake Videos Are Getting Terrifyingly Real
Deepfakes – Real Consequences
Physical Face Cloning (video from the DisneyResearchHub YouTube channel)
An example of highly advanced VFX: Disney's Jungle Book, 2016. As director Jon Favreau says in the video below: " The goal here is for people to not know what's real and what's not real." This statement can be applied to EVERYTHING you see, read, watch and hear in the world around you.
In Jungle Book 2016, the entire jungle and all the animals are digital creations. Other than the character Mowgli, nothing in the scenery of the movie is real.
Just so you can compare: this is what VFX looked like when CNN faked a Gulf War news broadcast in 1991. Do you really think they stopped doing it since then? If you do, there really is no hope for you.
CNN Fakes Gulf War coverage in 1991. You don't need a blue screen behind a reporter when he is ACTUALLY on location.
Watch this footage of "Pope Francis" disappearing into thin air on live television on April 13th, 2020. What you see in the video below is the exact same moment in time, recorded by two different cameras from two different angles. For more on the advancements in 3D Holographic Technology read the article listed below titled When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing. Once again, don't take my word for it, look it up yourself. Also check out this website:
The Vatican Uses A Hologram Pope
Welcome to Reality, formerly known as Science Fiction.
I've written about and given examples of predictive programming through television and movies, especially in the science fiction genre, in several other articles. If you've never "been into sci-fi", but you're wondering why it was so easy to predict the attempt of Big Tech and Big Pharma to literally take over the world, you should go back and watch how the public was warmed up for this agenda subconsciously through predictive programming decades ago. The image below is an IMDb review of The Outer Limits, but it also applies to the other series and movies that I will list below.
If you want to expand your mind, familiarize yourself with the unusual, and see what could lie ahead if humanity doesn't get its you-know-what together, get some popcorn and start catching up on what you've overlooked in the past 25+ years.
If you can't find these shows and movies on Netflix you can still find them online on sites like Don't forget to use an ad blocker on this site for pop-up and overlay ads. On some sites the ads open in a new tab or a new window so just ignore these too.
Not all of the IMDb reviews that I've linked to are as positive as the one that is mentioned above. Keep in mind that when most of these series and movies came out, people had no idea that the scientific concepts, technologies, and societal structures that are shown, could ever, ever become a reality. Recent developments have of course proven that truth is stranger than fiction.
Fringe (2008-2013) Pay attention to product placement by technology companies in this series and also pay attention to the closing credits. Ask yourself why so many technology companies, including Microsoft, sponsored episodes of this show. Quite obvious in hindsight, right?
I'll give you another clue. The words in the opening credits change every season, and below is a screenshot of some of the words that are featured in the opening credits of season 3. Look at the last two words on the bottom of the image. Coincidence?, I don't think so.
Also, notice the words that are used in the opening credits of season 5, and put them in the context of what is happening in the world today. That goes for all the episodes of season 5 actually.
Survivors (2008-2010) Guess what this show is about: An unknown virus pandemic kills more than 90% of the world's population. Those immune must strive to survive and overcome the difficulties of this new world order, hoping that the virus will not mutate. Predictive Programming on steroids.
The Matrix – Part 1 (1999) Needless to say why this is Number 1, but I'll list it here in case there is still someone on the planet who hasn't seen it yet.
Anon (2018) Imagine a world where privacy has been erased.
Transcendence(2014) Guess who makes a cameo appearance in the audience in the auditorium at 07:40 into this movie: Elon Musk. That's right, as in, Elon–SpaceX-already launched 4425 5G satellites into space to fry humanity and the planet-transhumanism architect pur sang-Musk. As I said, you'll have to do your own research but I'm pointing a few things out because they're easily overlooked. As with Fringe, there is a very important reason that these technology companies and individuals are so invested in certain areas of the science fiction, now science fact, genre.
A brilliant commentary by Andrew Harvey about "The Great Reset" that I came across today. He is the founder and Director of The Institute for Sacred Activism and this is a clip from a live stream he did on January 29th, 2021.
Also see: Savage Grace by Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker
Posted 16 March 2021
Simply put, their plans are going to fail because, first and foremost, THERE IS NO PANDEMIC, and there are too many variables that have come into play, which are all way beyond the control of the Davos Psychopaths. Every single human being on the planet represents a variable, and next to the global population, there are, what you may call, many on- and off-world presences of Light working for the benefit of Humanity.
More than that, they already KNOW their plan for total world domination is going to fail, and that's why they're going ballistic.
The Planet itself is a living, sentient being and she has a mind of her own. Even if they would succeed in wiping out the entire population (but they WON'T succeed), it is highly unlikely that she will allow their agenda to roll out on the surface of her majestic being.
As the "COVID-19" Psychosis isn't over yet, however, I advise you to stay vigilant and be very mindful of where you place the bulk of your attention. Practicemainstream media distancing, not social distancing!, so you're not brainwashed into the outcome that the psychopaths want. Envision instead, the outcome that will elevate Humanity as a species.
Jeremy Elliot Iconic Monologue about "COVID-19" and World Government
On an interesting historical note, look how far back the plan for "COVID-19" goes:
Cartoon from the 1930's – How to Take Control of the World
Once again, Predictive Programming at its best.
Update 13 February 2022
As the Tonga eruption happened a month ago (tomorrow), I'm posting this update for those of you who still think, that there is no connection between what goes on in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and how The Planet can and will respond. I've also decided to rename the site (…no, I won't, but start paying attention!)
Keep in mind, if Yellowstone has a major eruption it's Goodbye Humanity, Hello Ice Age, i.e. The Planet will perform her own version of The Great Reset.
Update 4 August 2021
Don't want to say I told you so, AGAIN, but I did. This video about Yellowstone was posted yesterday, August 3rd, 2021, by Mary Greely on her YouTube channel Mary Greeley News. It came to my attention this morning.
Yellowstone Is Not Normal, It's Screaming, Harmonic Tremors Aug. 3 2021
This video may seem out of context for this article but I'm embedding it here because this event is very (if not to say extraordinarily) important; if Humanity doesn't Course Correct, The Planet will. This is indeed Hopi Prophecy Coming True, andI advise you to look into the wisdom and warnings of The Native Americans if you haven't done so yet.
Update 2 August 2021
Dutch Documentary – Monopoly: Een Totaalplaatje van The Great Reset (Dutch spoken)
If you care about your future and, if you are a parent, your children's future, you'll have to fight the New World Order with non-compliance. I will say this though; Yellowstone will erupt before their plans ever come to full fruition. As I wrote on March 16th in the introduction to this article, The Planet is a living, sentient being and she will not let this agenda unfold on her surface; guess what happened on March 19th. The Planet is getting restless and the buck stops with her.