Inside The Milky Way

Created on Monday, 22 August 2011 20:21

Inside the Milky Way takes viewers on a journey across 100,000 light-years to witness key moments in the history of the Milky Way. Using the latest science, NGC constructs a 3-D state of the art CGI model of our galaxy that allows you to peer into the heart of the Milky Way on the hunt for super-massive black holes.

You can watch how stars are born and die and fly out and above the plane of the galaxy to understand its true shape and scour its dusty spiral arms for the possibility of life.


What Happened Before The Big Bang?

Created on Saturday, 03 March 2012 21:43

One of the biggest questions that science has yet to answer is “What happened before the Big Bang”?

For nearly a hundred years Science thought it knew the answer to how it all began: a big bang about 14 billion years ago. Now some scientists believe that was not really the beginning. Our universe may have had a life before this 'moment of creation'.

This documentary takes a trip into the unknown to explore a world of cosmic bounces, rips and multiple universes to find out what happened before the Big Bang.


The Elegant Universe

Created on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 11:55

The fundamental particles of the universe that physicists have identified—electrons, neutrinos, quarks and so on—are the "letters" of all matter. Just like their linguistic counterparts they appear to have no further internal substructure. String theory proclaims otherwise. According to string theory, if we could examine these particles with even greater precision—a precision many orders of magnitude beyond our present technological capacity—we would find that each is not pointlike but instead consists of a tiny, one-dimensional loop. Like an infinitely thin rubber band each particle contains a vibrating, oscillating, dancing filament that physicists have named a string.

This simple replacement of point-particle material constituents with strings attempts to resolve the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity which, as currently formulated, cannot both be right.


Beyond The Big Bang

Created on Saturday, 31 July 2010 14:33

This documentary explores the ultimate historical event as it almost literally transports viewers to the very beginnings of the cosmos. It describes the history of cosmology and how we've pieced together scientific knowledge to support the Big Bang theory.

Relive the moments of history's greatest astronomical discoveries as the wonders of space come alive through computer animations.