Robin Norwood – Why me, Why this, Why now

Created on Thursday, 26 March 2009 20:56

From the Back Cover
Robin Norwood's international bestseller Women Who Love Too Much changed forever the way we think about love. Now, in Why Me, Why This, Why Now?, she takes her readers – women and men – on a deeper journey into the realm of the Spirit and offers a revolutionary perspective on adversity that addresses our deepest and most disturbing questions, like 'Why is this happening to me?', 'What is the point of pain?' and 'What is my body trying to tell me?'

By teaching us to recognize the soul's purpose behind our encounters with adversity, Robin Norwood empowers us to cooperate with our own destiny, live a far more effective life, and heal the deepest wounds of the heart.


Brian Weiss – Many Lives, Many Masters

Created on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 21:44

Psychiatry and metaphysics blend together in this fascinating book based on a true case history. Dr. Weiss, who was once firmly entrenched in a clinical approach to psychiatry, finds himself reluctantly drawn into past-life therapy when a hypnotized client suddenly reveals details of her previous lives. During one hypnosis session, his client introduces the spirit guides who assisted her in-between lives. This is when the story really takes off for Weiss, who discovers that these guides have specific messages about his dead son, as well as Weiss' mission in life.

No, we cannot verify the truth of this story using the limited scientific tools we have available. However, it is hard to dispute that this well-respected graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School has discovered a personal truth, that has led him to be an enormously popular speaker, author, and leader in the field of past-life therapy.


Don Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements

Created on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 19:26

Sit at the foot of a native elder and listen as great wisdom of days long past is passed down. In The Four Agreements, shamanic teacher and healer Don Miguel Ruiz exposes self-limiting beliefs and presents a simple yet effective code of personal conduct learned from his Toltec ancestors. Full of grace and simple truth, this handsomely designed book reads in a voice that you would expect from an indigenous shaman.

The Four Agreements are these: Be impeccable with your word, Don't take anything personally, Don't make assumptions, Always do your best. It's how and why one should do these things that make The Four Agreements worth reading and remembering.

Very highly recommended.


Susan Jeffers – Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

Created on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 19:16

Edited from Library Journal
Based on a course taught at the New School for Social Research, this book offers readers a clear-cut plan for action that, when followed, should help one to unlearn misconceptions about fear and replace them with attitudes of strength and conviction.

By mixing positive thinking with situational exercises that examine basic fear responses, psychologist Jeffers shows that fear is what you make of it and that in most cases it is unfounded. She also illustrates key points through examining case studies, which show that when we are fearful, faulty thinking is most often the real culprit. When faulty thinking is corrected the fear is gone.

This book by no means offers a quick, fix-it course as the author encourages return visits to the text when situations and events in life call for it.