THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes

COVID-19 is a Tale told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing.


William Shakespeare, if he had been alive in 2020

Foster and Kimberly Gamble have made a superb sequel to the THRIVE movie, and they premiered their much-anticipated film globally on September 26th, 2020. You will get the most out of THRIVE II if you have also seen the first film which was released online for free in 2011. In this very timely follow-up, the Gamble's present the results of their investigation into the most promising solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive societal structures, that can and will make the planet and its inhabitants truly thrive if these solutions are made available on a global scale. They also show which institutions are going to extreme lengths to try to prevent this from happening.

You can watch THRIVE II online on for a very small price and in case you're wondering, No, I don't get a fee for promoting the film. Compared to the small fortune that was spent on creating these 2 feature-length films, $12,09 (incl. tax) really isn't a lot to ask for a 72-hour online rental and I strongly encourage you to watch it. 

You can either spend 2,5 hours watching, reading, and/or listening to the garbage that is being spewed by the mainstream media (..which actually goes on 24/7), OR you can spend 2,5 hours engaging your mind in some truly inspiring, highly informative and uplifting information. The choice, as always, is yours and this is the trailer of THRIVE II to help you decide.


Face Masks and Social Distancing? This Is What The Psychopaths Do When They Think No One’s Looking

In case it wasn't obvious yet, the guy in the middle is Anthony Fauci, who has won the gold medal several times during what I have now come to call the Psychopath Olympics, a.k.a "COVID-19".

Fauci is one of the creatures who claim that it's absolutely essential for every person on the planet to wear a face mask and "socially distance" themselves from every other human being, and THIS is what he does when he thinks no one is looking.

Don't think it's just Fauci, I promise you that this is what ALL the psychopaths who promote "COVID-19" do. You see, they KNOW "COVID-19" doesn't exist, they just want YOU to believe it does so they can roll out the Global Fascist/Surveillance agenda.

"COVID-19" is a television show, it doesn't exist in the real world.

No amount of handwashing, face masks, and "social distancing" will conjure it into existence. The people and creatures behind "COVID-19" are Satanists, so they turned the whole Operation into a ritual that you are an unwitting participant in.

Making you wash your hands every 2.9 seconds, but especially mask-wearing and social distancing are intended to program your mind to believe that there really is "a threat out there" (once again, THERE ISN'T) and to make you submit to their agenda. DON'T DO IT.

Their Operation/Ritual is going to fail when more and more people see "COVID-19" for what it is, a lie of gargantuan proportions, but that's all it is. A Lie.

Those who are neither stupid nor insane and see through the lie, are the Truly Powerful.

COVID-19 is an Epidemic of Spectacular Insanity and Stupidity

"COVID-19" has never been and will never be a disease. To date not a single shred of credible scientific evidence has been provided by anyone who claims it is.

What has been incontrovertibly established however with a mountain of day-to-day evidence, is that "COVID-19" isn't only the biggest PSYOP ever perpetrated on the human race, it's also the most blatant display of Insanity and Stupidity that has ever been given.

Just look at and listen to the people who promote and support the official "COVID-19" story. Enjoy the show folks.


Cults Of Death And Power or How To Unplug Yourself From The COVID-19 Brainwash Program

Update 01 March 2021

The Truth Warrior channel isn't on YouTube anymore.


I came across a channel on YouTube recently called Truth Warrior which is run by David Whitehead and in this article I want to feature one of the series that he made called Cults Of Death And Power.

The episodes were posted online between October 26th, 2019 and December 9th, 2019, i.e. way before the world had ever heard of "COVID-19", but in my opinion the topics that are covered in this 4 part series are extremely useful for gaining a better understanding of The Big Picture with regard to this so-called "pandemic".

Synopsis from Episode 1 by Truth Warrior:

This is episode one in a series on CULTS both ancient and modern. Many books and docs have focused on the leaders of these fanatical groups, which is indeed necessary and interesting. I would like to touch on that, but focus mainly on the FOLLOWERS themselves. What is it in each individual member of any cult that drives them to blindly give over their minds and better judgement to liars, abusers, psychopaths and lunatics? No followers…no cult…right!?


From the cults of the ancient world, to the many cults that have been exposed in modern times, from various religions to political movements, what is this really all about? This will be an investigation into cults both past and present. I will look at some cults that seem to be rather insignificant, to those of major import and relevance to our present time. Are there common threads? Are there safe-guards against indoctrination? Are there cults or cult-like groups operating in the world that are largely unseen and unknown? Could a person be in a cult and not even be aware of it? Are cults only about making money off of the ignorance and naiveté of the masses who flock to them, or is there more to the story?


Cult leaders and followers have been shown to consist of people of all backgrounds, all levels of education, all levels of intellect, and all levels of economic status. They are also found everywhere in the historical record throughout the world. The only main common denominator is that this is uniquely a human thing….

This series is very information-dense and not for the faint of heart. If you're new to this subject matter, I advise you to keep a pen and notebook ready to jot down words, book titles, and other information that you might want to look up later. It will also be useful to write down where you stop watching a particular episode as you will probably not be able to watch everything in one go, but it will definitely be worth your while.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Update 20 June 2020

In addition to this series, I'm adding the episode below about Collectivism, as this topic is also very important for a better understanding of the ideology behind the measures and policies that have been and are being implemented worldwide. 

The Truth About Collectivism was streamed live on April 2nd, 2019.