Perspectives on the Pandemic – Professor Knut Wittkowski PhD

I came across this interview online today and it absolutely blew me away. This gentleman is the professor that you will Never, Ever see on CNN, BBC or any other BS mainstream network, because his very detailed explanation about the corona virus detonates a nuclear bomb under the official story for "the pandemic".

Let me give you his credentials first as outlined in the transcript of the interview:

Dr. Wittkowski received his PhD in computer science from the University of Stuttgart and his ScD (Habilitation) in Medical Biometry from the Eberhard-Karls-University Tuüingen, both Germany. He worked for 15 years with Klaus Dietz, a leading epidemiologist who coined the term “reproduction number”, on the Epidemiology of HIV before heading for 20 years the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University, New York. Dr. Wittkowski is currently the CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company discovering novel treatments for complex diseases from data of genome-wide association studies.

What Dr. Wittkowski also says at the very end of the interview is:

I’m Knut Wittkowski. I was at the Rockefeller University, I have been an epidemiologist for 35 years, and I have been modeling epidemics for 35 years. It’s a pleasure to have the ability to help people to understand, but it’s a struggle to get heard.

Well, Professor Wittkowski, I heard you. 

I don't promote anything with the name Rockefeller as they are part of the cabal that is at the root of The New World Order, but Professor Wittkowski very clearly isn't part of that agenda.

His scientific and razor sharp analysis of the data on the Corona Virus is truly mind-blowing and proves without a shadow of a doubt, that the global lockdown and measures like social distancing have actually exacerbated what would have otherwise been a regular flu season.

I don't normally post a lot of text as an introduction to a video, but these statements are of the utmost importance for a proper understanding of what is really going on with this so called "epidemic". These are some excerpts from the transcript:

[02:33.24]  JOHN: And so, what do you make of the policy that was enacted in the United States and England and most places throughout the world, this policy of containment, shelter-in-place, etc.? What’s your opinion of it?
[02:47.05]  WITTKOWSKI: Well, what people are trying to do is flatten the curve. I don’t really know why. But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong, to widen it, and it takes more time. And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary.
[03:06.17]  JOHN: And what do you say to people who just say, “We just didn’t know about the lethality of this virus and it was the smartest thing to do, to do what we did, and contain everybody, because we just didn’t have the data.”
[03:23.16]  WITTKOWSKI: We had two other SARS viruses before. Or, coronaviruses. It’s not the first coronavirus that comes out, and it won’t be the last. And for all respiratory diseases, we have the same type of an epidemic. If you leave it alone, it comes for two weeks, it peaks, and it goes for two weeks and it’s gone.


[04:27.09]  LIBBY: Do you believe the Chinese statistics? Do you think they’ve lied to us? Do you believe the stats that have come out of China?
[04:36.09]  WITTKOWSKI: The epidemic has ended there, yes. Because otherwise, we would see people emerging—and even in China, it’s today very difficult to keep information under the hood. If there were lots of cases in hospitals, if the hospitals that they built, the temporary hospitals, were still full, we would hear that. This could not be suppressed.
[05:03.25]  JOHN: During the press briefing yesterday, Fauci, and the President, and the rest of the people assembled, were saying that, had they not done the containment strategy that they have done, that upwards of 2 million people would have died in the United States. What do you think of that figure?
[05:22.27]  WITTKOWSKI: Well, I’m not paid by the government, so I’m entitled to actually do science. If the government, if there had been no intervention, the epidemic would have been over, like every other respiratory disease epidemic.
[08:16.20]  LIBBY: So, what accounts, then, for the fact that the hospitals are suddenly more overrun than they have been in a previous flu season, and for world leaders and the news media just going crazy?
[08:29.26]  WITTKOWSKI: Funding for hospitals has, as everybody knows, not increased recently. So, hospitals had to cut down, and, therefore, they now have to run their emergency plans, which is not terrible. That’s what they have been planning for, for decades, so if they have to put up some tents in Central Park, that’s not the end of the world. The tents are there, they’re maintained very well, and they will be there for a few weeks—three, four, maybe, and then the crisis will be over. This is not a situation nobody has ever thought about.
[09:16.07]  JOHN: Do you really think that there’s a major shortage of masks, and things like this?
[09:21.13]  WITTKOWSKI: Of what?
[09:21.13]  JOHN: Masks and PPE and all this? What do you think about all that? Why should there be a shortage of those things?
[09:28.00]  WITTKOWSKI: Because people are getting crazy now and it’s almost like the toilet paper […].


[10:19.14]  JOHN: Right. What do you think about their latest figure that because of, they claim that because of social distancing, that we’ve saved ourselves from the 2 million dead, but that we are probably looking at 150-200,000 dead, though they’ve said that it’s possible that it could be lower, if we are really, really good about social distancing, etc. What do you think about their new estimate of death?
[10:52.12]  WITTKOWSKI: Social distancing definitely is good. It prevented the sky from falling down.
[11:00.04]  JOHN: Are you being ironic?
[11:01.19]  WITTKOWSKI: Of course! I don’t know where these numbers are coming from—they’re totally unrealistic. There are no indications that this flu is fundamentally different from every other flu. We know what happened in China, we know what happened in South Korea, we know what happened, or is happening, in Europe. There are no indications that anything is different from a regular flu. Maybe it’s a bit worse than other flus—could be?
[11:32.02]  For a respiratory disease, the flu ends during springtime, that people spend more time outdoors because outdoors, the viruses cannot easily spread. That is a form of containment, spending more time outdoors.
[11:55.00]  JOHN: So, we’re now spending more time indoors. We’ve been told to go indoors. Isn’t that—doesn’t that help keep the virus going?
[12:03.17]  WITTKOWSKI: It keeps the virus healthy, yeah.
[12:08.19]  LIBBY: So we should be told to go outdoors?
[12:10.18]  WITTKOWSKI: Yeah. Going outdoors is what stops every respiratory disease.


[13:00.14]  JOHN: Now, it’s interesting that you say that, because at Imperial College, you know Neil Ferguson has changed his estimate of the number of dead in England from 500,000 to 20,000 or less, and he says that that is because of social distancing. Now, we also know that the way in which social distancing was implemented in England was not very severe, or extreme, or efficient, so this was after one day of lockdown, he announced that in fact, it would be 20,000 or less. Is there any possibility that that number would have changed that way because of the social distancing?
[13:46.14]  WITTKOWSKI: No. Actually, we have data for that.
[13:53.23]  I looked into the claim that people make that, in China and South Korea, the social distancing had successfully helped to control the epidemic. I looked at the dates when people actually started social distancing. In China, the epidemic peaked on February 1st to February 5th, in that period. But the schools were not closed until February the 20th—that was 2 weeks later. In South Korea, we have a similar pattern. In Daegu, or however that city is being pronounced, where the Church of Shincheonji had that outbreak. The self-quarantine was ordered only on February the 23rd, but the peak in that city happened; the national distancing was not advised until February the 29th, so that’s a week later, when the national peak happened. So, both in China and in South Korea, social distancing started only long after the number of infections had already started to decline, and therefore had very little impact on the epidemic. That means they had already reached herd immunity or were about to reach herd immunity. They were very close. But by installing the social distancing, they prevented it to actually getting to the final point, and this is why we are still seeing new cases in South Korea, several weeks after the peak.
[16:02.18]  JOHN: You said that this is the sort of contagion, because it’s airborne, that you can’t deal with by doing tracing or by social distancing. Explain why that is.
[16:16.20]  WITTKOWSKI: One thing is tracing with an airborne disease is even more difficult than tracing with a sexually transmitted disease which is difficult enough, as we know from AIDS. Most people know who they had contact with, sexual contact with, over the last two weeks. As a human being traveling the subway in New York and doing other things in New York that we just have to do in New York, I couldn’t tell you who the two three four hundred thousand people are I came in contact with over the last two weeks. So, contrast [Editor’s note: contact] tracing for a respiratory disease is impossible.
[17:02.23]  JOHN: Why doesn’t containment work for an airborne disease?
[17:06.07]  WITTKOWSKI: You cannot stop the spread of a respiratory disease within a family, and you cannot stop it from spreading with neighbors, with people who are delivering, who are physicians—anybody. People are social, and even in times of social distancing, they have contacts, and any of those contacts could spread the disease. It will go slowly, and so it will not build up herd immunity, but it will happen. And it will go on forever unless we let it go.


[22:43.04]  LIBBY: Speaking of the numbers, I noticed in your paper, you said that in mid-March there was a change in the reporting system. What was that all about?
[22:50.18]  WITTKOWSKI: This is not the first time it happens. On March 20th, Germany changed its reporting system and suddenly, a lot of cases that had not been reported before were reported. But this is not a sudden increase in cases. Over all, this had no impact on the dynamic of the German epidemic. It increased until about March 27th or so, and has been stable or declining since. The problem in this disease is that reporting and diagnosing are not separated and recorded differently. In the AIDS epidemic, every case was reported with a day of diagnosis and a day of reporting. For whatever reason, this standard developed during the AIDS epidemic is not being employed here. So, we cannot deconvolute this data.
[24:25.22]  In Italy there was a spike on one day, there was a spike on one day in Norway. But we have seen now so many of these spikes, they last for one day and then the numbers go back to where it was before. So, we are not really scared anymore if we see something changing very fast. Nature doesn’t jump. As people have known for a long time. The course of an epidemic is always smooth. There is never a ten-fold increase in number of cases from one day to the other.
[25:08.17]  There is nothing to be scared about. This is a flu epidemic like every other flu. Maybe a bit more severe, but nothing that is fundamentally different from the flus that we see in other years.
[25:33.23]  JOHN: What do you think accounts for the difference in response this time than say to the Swine Flu in 2009? Why are we suddenly so much more panicked and having shut the world down? What do you think is going on?
[25:50.10]  WITTKOWSKI: I think at least one factor is the internet. People are using the internet now much more often, and so news, wrong or false, is spreading the globe within hours, if not minutes. And so, let’s say 50 years ago, we would read in the paper that about a week ago there was an epidemic of flu in the United States or in China or somewhere else, and at that time, it was already over. So, people would say, “Okay, that happens all the time.” Now, what we read is, “Oh! There were 785 cases in the Vatican for two days” Eh, maybe not. And even if it was a reporting error, these stories are circulating the world and contributing to chaos and people being afraid of things they shouldn’t be afraid of.
[27:43.23]  JOHN: So, we keep being told now about the second wave that will come in the fall. Now, tell us what your thoughts about the second wave are and how—it seems like from everything you’re saying is that we’ll have a second wave because of social distancing—
[28:03.18]  WITTKOWSKI: Yes.
[28:04.10]  JOHN: Okay, so, could you say that in a sentence for me?
[28:06.21]  WITTKOWSKI: Okay. If we had herd immunity now, there couldn’t be a second wave in autumn. Herd immunity lasts for a couple of years, typically, and that’s why the last SARS epidemic we had in 2003, it lasted 15 years for enough people to become susceptible again so that a new epidemic could spread of a related virus. Because typically, there is something that requires cross-immunity, so if you were exposed to one of the SARS viruses, you are less likely to fall ill with another SARS virus. So, if we had herd immunity, we wouldn’t have a second wave. However, if we are preventing herd immunity from developing, it is almost guaranteed that we have a second wave as soon as either we stop the social distancing or the climate changes with winter coming or something like that.


[30:10.16]  JOHN: I see. And so, to summarize, you are saying that’s going to flatten and extend the epidemic and create the second wave that we are being told to fear?
[30:21.00]  WITTKOWSKI: Yes. The second wave is a direct consequence of social distancing.
[30:28.16]  JOHN: That’s wonderful to hear.
[30:29.13]  WITTKOWSKI: We already know that the social distancing cost the US taxpayer 2 trillion dollars, in addition to everything else that it costs, but it also has severe consequences for our social life, and depression is definitely something that we will be researching. I can say for myself, walking through New York City right now is depressing.
[31:10.17]  JOHN: So, what do you think? Should we tolerate this? Should we stand for staying sheltered in house arrest till … what is it? April 30th they want?
[31:23.02]  LIBBY: April 30th now.
[31:24.20]  JOHN: I mean, is that what we ought to do or should we, perhaps, be resisting?
[31:31.00]  WITTKOWSKI: We should be resisting, and we should, at least, hold our politicians responsible. We should have a discussion with our politicians. One thing we definitely need to do, and that would be safe and effective, is opening schools. Let the children spread the virus among themselves, which is a necessity to get herd immunity. That was probably one of the most destructive actions the government has done. We should focus on the elderly and separating them from the population where the virus is circulating. We should not prevent the virus from circulating among school children, which is the fastest way to create herd immunity.
[32:24.09]  JOHN: And can you explain, just one more time, as clearly as you can, what’s the concept with natural herd immunity? What happens to the virus when it’s gone through the population in the way you’re describing?
[32:39.07]  WITTKOWSKI: If 80% of people have had contact with the virus and are therefore immune, and that, typically, that contact is just a form of immunization. So, there is no disease, there’s nothing happening, and still there is immunity. If 80% of people are immune and somebody has a virus and is infectious, it will be very difficult for that infectious person to find somebody who is still susceptible, not immune. And therefore, this person will not infect anybody else and therefore we won’t have the disease spreading. That is herd immunity.
[33:29.12]  JOHN: And what happens to the virus? What happens to the virus, at that point?
[33:33.23]  WITTKOWSKI: Well, viruses don’t live, technically, but the virus will eventually be destroyed.
[35:50.05]  WITTKOWSKI: We don’t die of the virus. We die of pneumonia. So, if we have a virus respiratory disease, the disease—once the body has created antibodies, the immune system has created antibodies, the antibodies, or the immune system is killing all infected cells which destroys much of the mucosa. And bacteria can easily settle on that destroyed mucosa, and then cause pneumonia. And it is the pneumonia that is killing people, if it’s not treated. I had a virus, whatever it was, maybe it was—who knows—about three weeks ago, and my physician gave me the antibiotics I should take if the disease gets better and then gets worse, because that is a sign of pneumonia and then we have to treat the pneumonia.
[36:56.06]  JOHN: And pneumonia is what is treated with antibiotics—
[36:59.10]  WITTKOWSKI: Pneumonia is what’s treated with antibiotics. Not the virus.


[41:02.18]  WITTKOWSKI: I think people in the United States and maybe other countries as well are more docile than they should be. People should talk with their politicians, question them, ask them to explain, because if people don’t stand up to their rights, their rights will be forgotten. I’m Knut Wittkowski. I was at the Rockefeller University, I have been an epidemiologist for 35 years, and I have been modeling epidemics for 35 years. It’s a pleasure to have the ability to help people to understand, but it’s a struggle to get heard.

12 Experts Questioning The Corona Virus Panic

Last updated: February 11, 2021 at 12:42 pm

Global Research posted an article with the opinions of 12 top-level experts on the coronavirus outbreak, which contradict the official government narratives that are broadcast on the mainstream media 24/7. You can read the full article on their website, but I'm putting the most informative quotes, which are from an interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, in this post. 

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.

What he says:

We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realize that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day.


[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.


All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.


Bruce Lipton PhD: The Power Of Consciousness and the Biology of Belief

Created on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 22:29

Last updated: April 11, 2020 at 19:02 pm

I want to reemphasize how important it is not to panic and to be extra mindful of how you take care of your mind and body. Energy flows where attention goes and your thoughts affect your reality more than you may realize. You and ONLY YOU decide who or what you give your attention to and no one can focus for you. People may try to grab or steal your attention like the mainstream media is constantly trying to do, but again, that will only happen if you allow it.

Bruce Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit and a leading voice in the new biology. A cell biologist by training, he taught cell biology at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed pioneering studies at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.

Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, new discoveries have been made about the interaction between our mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information.

It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, but that DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.



The Corona virus (‘Wuhan virus’) has an English patent: number EP3172319B1

I  don't subscribe to the religious connotations in the video below, but it contains some important information with regard to the Simulation and now Real World scenario for the corona virus.

The corona virus that suddenly appeared in China in the Wuhan region and that is said to have started on an animal market is covered by an English patent. This is a patent number EP3172319B1 developed by Erica Bickerton on it Pirbright Institute in Surrey, England. The Pirbright Institute (Bill & Melinda Gates) specializes in the study of infectious diseases in farm animals.

It is rather strange that it has been possible to conclude that the virus outbreak initiated on a market in the Chinese Wuhan region, while it is unknown from which animals. After all, one might expect that the person who brought the animals to the market should have become ill at least as well.

You would think that it shouldn't be that complicated to trace the source; unless it is a PsyOp (psychological operation and therefore a false flag). Well, if the patent belongs to this English laboratory, how do these animals end up on the Chinese market? Although it is claimed that it is probably a mutated virus, the biggest question remains how the virus ended up in China after all.

The second question that arises is how one can know that it is a mutated virus? This can only be known if blood samples are taken from infected patients and then make genetic analyses of those samples. That seems like a matter of a few hours to me with current modern research resources.

It is not that DNA mapping is still in its infancy. Science is even so far that, using the CRISP-CAS12 method, DNA can be read and modified remotely (see this explanation). You could therefore expect that it is possible to know the exact composition and therefore the mutation characteristics of the virus. It can be assumed that it is actually quite impossible that researchers are not familiar with the exact characteristics of the virus. If a virus mutates, this means that it did have time to undergo that mutation.

Now the corona virus has been developed in the English lab based on pure genetic analysis of the disease that it should fight as a vaccine. The corona virus is built as a vaccine against bronchitis (read the patent for the explanation). This implies that either the vaccine in China must be injected to the population or a traveler has ever been given the vaccine (and others have been infected with the vaccine virus).

UPDATE 16:00 PM The corona virus appears to be a vaccine that has specifically been developed for bronchitis in chickens infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). That means that it should be specifically injected into chickens and not into humans. The question now is how the transfer to people could have taken place. A much more important question, however, is how a virus developed in a laboratory could mutate? And what is the use of vaccines anyway, if it proves to be more dangerous than the problem against which it was developed? And what happens when people eat chickens or eggs from those chickens; chickens in which a vaccine has been injected that apparently now has mutated (which is probably a psychological operation).

No matter from which position you look at it, we have to conclude that the vaccine is basically the source of infection. The fact that the virus is said to have mutated into a dangerous and deadly virus still means that it is a mutation of a (laboratory-built) vaccine virus and not a mutation of the bronchitis virus.

Is that not in itself a reason to question the development of vaccines? After all, vaccines are laboratory-built viruses that should prevent virus outbreaks of a known disease. In short: a virus that was built in a laboratory as an anti-virus (vaccine) appears to be the source of the Wuhan virus outbreak; where the vaccine virus has mutated into something dangerous.

In my opinion we are dealing here with a Psychological Operation (PsyOp) that is meant to lead to a worldwide vaccination obligation. That in itself is a very urgent issue for the UN, because the UN and the Catholic Church are the major driving forces behind the transgederization and transhumanization of mankind (hermaphrodite-cyborg humanity). And to realize that, they need everyones DNA and every boy who is born must receive a vaccine that was grown on a female aborted (animal or human) fetus and every girl must receive a vaccine that was grown on a male fetus. They also want to be able to inject an enzyme into people with which they can make genetic modification in people (online via the 5G network).

That IVF babies have probably been made hermaphrodite (both sexes) for several decades I explain in this article. In it I also explain that this ambiguity does not always have to be clearly visible in the physical appearance.

On the necessity of the enzyme that makes the CRISPR-CAS12 search and replace functionality possible (via the 5G network) I provide a detailed explanation in this article.

A salient detail is that the inventor of the corona virus, Erica Bickerton from the Pirbright Institute, also developed a chimeric protein based on the corona virus (see here). That means that we can recognize the chimeric effect here again; the effect needed for making hermaphrodite babies, as explained in the article about IVF.

The chimeras (also called 'chimeric') effect is not a natural phenomenon. Chimerism expresses itself primarily through IVF in the form of fermal hermaphrodite development (both sexes/genitals). You could imagine that injecting a vaccine (grown on a fetus of the opposite gender of the baby) into newborn babies has the same effect on growth. So it seems that this PsyOp unmasks the agenda of transgenderism through the developer of the corona virus; because Erica Brighton is also the builder of a chimeric protein based on the same virus. Why else would you name a protine after the dual-genital effect that occurs in IVF babies?

CORONAVIRUS – European Patent Office – EP 3172319 B1

SourceMartin Vrijland


Additional Recommend Reading:

“The Chinese virus is spreading”—deception and false news

The Panama Papers and The OTHER Whistleblower Story That You’re Not Being Told About, namely VAXXED

Dr. Len Horowitz: The True Origin of Aids, Ebola And Other Viruses

10 Signs Of A False Flag Operation