
Created on Sunday, 10 January 2010 10:57

An excellent documentary about the history of Hollywood, the big studios and the creation of "The American Dream".

The Ugly Fascist Truth About ‘Net Neutrality’

Created on Saturday, 28 February 2015 09:19

Remarkable how few recognize this as the pivotal event that it is. The slippery slope to full-on fascism continues to get greased, while the mind-numbed constituents are completely apathetic. In the now infamous Orwellian doublespeak of the New World Order (i.e. left is right, right is wrong, all animals are equal but some are more equal than others), the FCC proposes rules for an Open Internet. Let me say that again, rules for an Open Internet.

And I'll say it in yet another way for those who still don't get it: they want to put restrictions on the way your ISP provides your internet services, so you have "more internet freedom". Has your BS bell started ringing yet?

If you're not zombified from watching television, you can send your complaints to the FCC via this link:


More information in the playlist below.

Source: infowars.com


Created on Tuesday, 09 September 2014 12:36

This is without question one of the best Wake Up! documentaries that I have seen recently. It covers pretty much everything from 9/11 and lying politicians to The New World Order. If you are unfamiliar with an item that is mentioned in the film and you'd like to know more type it into the search box in the sidebar so you can find some additional information. Chances are that I already posted another documentary with the same topic elsewhere. If you can't find anything here try YouTube or a search engine.

Other than the fact that Lou Dobbs is still very much alive this documentary is spot on. Highly recommended viewing.


David Icke – Secrets Of The Matrix

Created on Friday, 27 March 2009 22:06

This 3-part series (2003) is still one of the best when it comes to the real nature of politics and control of the human mind. Noam Chomsky and others have spoken about the political agenda of the United States, the corporate control of the media and such, but Icke describes the Secret Societies and other subjects of world history, going way back to the beginning. 

The information is very distinct from what is taught in public and private schools, shown on television and presented in the various media outlets. The best thing to do is to verify what Icke is saying by simply researching on your own, which is also what I did.