The Nazis: A Warning From History

Created on Saturday, 19 September 2009 14:22

The Nazis: A Warning from History is a 1997 BBC documentary film series that examines Adolf Hitler and the Nazis' rise to power, their zenith, their decline and fall and the consequences of their reign. It features archival footage and interviews with eye witnesses.

Part 1 – Helped Into Power  

Part 1 shows how the Nazi party was formed and how Adolf Hitler was able to rise to power. Interviewees include former Nazi party members and their opponents.


Part 2: Chaos And Consent

Part 2 examines how the Nazis consolidated power and how extreme and radical policies were formed and implemented, using the example of the euthanasia policy of Philipp Bouhler. The help given to the Gestapo by ordinary citizens is also explored and other events covered include Kristallnacht and remilitarization.

Interviewees are former Nazi officials, an army officer, a Jewish man and an inmate of an early concentration camp.


Part 3: The Wrong War

Part 3 traces the path to war with Great Britain and the alliance with the Soviet Union. Interviewees include former Nazi officials and diplomats.


Part 4: The Wild East

Part 4 examines Nazi rule and 'ethnic cleansing' in occupied Poland under Hans Frank, Albert Forster and Arthur Greiser. Interviewees include a Polish man who was subjected to 'Germanisation', an ethnic German who was resettled in Poland and a former Nazi official.


Part 5: The Road To Treblinka

Part 5 is an account of mass killings in occupied territories after the invasion of the Soviet Union. Interviewees include a former member of an execution squad and a survivor of the Treblinka extermination camp.


Part 6: Fighting To The End

Part 6 explores why Germany fought on when military defeat was inevitable. Interviewees include German soldiers and civilians.


Normalcy Bias a.k.a Analysis Paralysis

Last updated: October 30, 2020 at 13:02 pm

Created on Thursday, 14 November 2013 14:33

In a previous article, I stated that the public's ignorance and denial with regard to the true state of the US economy and the inevitable collapse of the US dollar never cease to amaze me. People simply don't understand that they will never -as in NOT EVER– get the straight story from the mainstream media, and logic alone will tell you that countries and individuals cannot borrow their way out of debt.

I thought it would be a good idea to elaborate on the above-mentioned denial by summarizing three articles about a condition called ‘Normalcy Bias’ or 'Analysis Paralysis'. The denial that I mentioned at the beginning of the article can be ascribed to this condition and is well known to psychologists and sociologists. It refers to a mental state that individuals enter into when facing a disaster or pending danger.

Normalcy Bias leads people to underestimate and minimize both the possibility of a catastrophe actually happening, as well as the possible consequences to their health and safety. It often results in situations where people fail to prepare for a likely and impending disaster. The condition also leads people to believe that since something has never happened before – it will never happen. People therefore underestimate warning signs and inaccurately reframe information in order to project an optimistic outcome.

In short, it's kind of a ‘reality-killing drug'. Like an infant with a security blanket, many adults have a tendency to cling to their habitual, repetitive and "normal" way of life despite overwhelming proof that serious danger lies ahead. Just as many people in Pompeii watched for hours as the volcano erupted without evacuation, many people today do not react until it is too late.

The Nazi Holocaust provides the best example of Normalcy Bias in a way that is most applicable to what is beginning to happen in America. Normalcy Bias explains why so many Jews ignored and underestimated the omnipresent signs of danger, even after they were forced to wear identifying yellow stars, possess a J stamp Identification Card and discriminatory laws were passed which targeted the Jews and their businesses. Many Jewish businesses were destroyed in "The Night of Broken Glass a.k.a Kristallnacht". Many of the Jews who could have afforded to move out of the country stayed and were subsequently exterminated because they mistakenly thought "that things wouldn’t get much worse".

When people don’t face the facts of an imminent disaster such as a financial crisis or loss of liberty and fail to protect themselves from the danger that is developing around them, the negative effects that the disaster has on them are much greater. People who face the situation early and start taking measures to alleviate the impact that the disaster has are more likely to survive it.

Normalcy Bias can be beaten with the following approach to dealing with an emergency or unforeseen event. 

1.    Face the facts.
2.    Sit and make a plan for a few scenarios that you think could take place.
3.    Check through possible options for dealing with the emergency/disaster.
4.    Choose the best option and take action immediately.

You may never have to use any of these plans but, should you have to, it’s better to be able to act without having to think. It's better to be able to take the information you prepared and be ready to go within the shortest amount of time possible instead of walking in circles making phone calls.

Knowledge is power. It is my hope is that you will use this information to educate and empower yourself, so that you and your loved ones are protected should the worst-case scenario indeed occur.