COVID-19 Is Not A Disease – It’s a Campaign of Terror Against Humanity

COVID-19 Is Not A Disease – It’s a Campaign of Terror Against Humanity

Last updated: August 18, 2020 at 20:15 pm

The title of this article is an edited version of one of the titles that I will list below. I think it's useful to share some articles from other authors, researchers and scientists on topics that I've also written about on Be Brilliant. These sources can be helpful to those who have embarked on a journey to find out the truth about "COVID-19".

As always, my advice to you is to not take anyone's word for anything, but to use your own discernment and to draw your own conclusions.

"COVID-19" and the Satanic Ideology of the Perpetrators

Masks are the hallmark of Satanism and Signal the Start of a Civil War

PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.

[Editor's note: there are articles floating around online that purport to be "massive updates" for PEDOGATE. In these articles it's stated that:

"5 million kids are being rescued from underground under the cover of Operation COVID-19. That is what is really going on with the lockdowns. They are to keep our kids inside and safe while the monsters are rounded up and executed. None will escape!" 

Needless to say that this is complete and utter BS and the abuse and slaughter of children is going on just as it was before. 

Epstein-Barr Syndrome goes viral: Trump has the worst case


"COVID-19" – The Deception, The Medical Scam, and The Economic Destruction

COVID-19 Does Not Exist: The Global Elite’s Campaign of Terror Against Humanity

We All Have Viruses, All The Time, as Part of our Virome and Immune System

COVID-19 Coronavirus Fake Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis

COVID-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

No one has died from the coronavirus

Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization

Scamdemic – How a Lock Step, Authoritarian, Top Down Control System Is Being Imposed on the World

The Big Lie Behind COVID-19 added 18 August 2020. I don't agree with the authors' statements about developing a vaccine or wearing masks and gloves ("COVID-19" is NOT a disease and ALL vaccines are poisons which destroy the body's natural immune system), but other than that this is an exceptionally well-written opinion piece from Stansberry Research. It also has the added benefit of hindsight and foresight, because the same scenarios will be used for "the second wave of COVID-19."

You really only need to remember one thing: EVERY statement, that ANY (former) government official, ANYWHERE in the world makes about how "COVID-19 is going to kill you and others if you don't follow the measures", is complete and utter bullshit. I'm serious, add the word 'bullshit' every time a government official ends a sentence that is related to "COVID-19" (..or anything else actually), and that will be the truth.


EVENT 201 – The Dry Run For "COVID-19"

Watch and listen to the Satanic Psychopaths' Dry Run for "COVID-19", which was held on October 18th, 2019. The sessions were recorded and made available online. (!) I kid you not.

Why would they give away their plans you ask? Because they know that the majority of people on the planet are intellectually lazy, gullible, and they will believe anything you tell them if you terrify them enough.

DON'T be one of those people.

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 2, Trade and Travel Discussion


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications Discussion and Epilogue Video


Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 5, Hotwash and Conclusion


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