9/11: An In-Depth Study, No Conclusive Evidence Of Airplanes

9/11: An In-Depth Study, No Conclusive Evidence Of Airplanes

Created on Sunday, 15 November 2009 13:16

Last updated: July 17, 2020 at 8:43 am

This article contains links to a number of documentaries that analyze the mainstream media's broadcasts on 9/11/2001. (the links will be provided further down in the article)

The above mentioned documentaries purport that elements from the highest levels in the mainstream media, may have actively participated in the 9/11 false flag operation since, when studied in-dept and in slow motion, NONE of the footage that was broadcast live on 9/11 shows conclusive evidence of actual, physical airplanes.

I researched this subject extensively since I know that buildings cannot swallow airplanes which, according to all the news footage on that dayalso happened on September 11th.

Basic high school physics dictates that the planes could not punch through the facades of the Twin Towers, leaving cartoon-like plane shaped holes in the steel framework – and without any deflection, crumpling or deceleration! Watch these 2 video clips:

As you can see the plane actually disappears into the building AFTER which there is an explosion. Even if you only have an elementary understanding of physics, you should know that this just doesn't happen with real objects.

If the planes had been real they would have exploded up against the side of the building, not punch through one side and out the other.

I fully understand that the concept of projected/computer generated airplanes can be extremely hard to believe so check it out for yourself. If you have a 9/11 DVD at home that shows the second plane hitting the building, take it out and play it in slow motion (or pause/play alternately). If you don't have a DVD at home just find/download a video on the internet of the second plane hitting the building and you can do the same.

This is how NASA explains it to kids:

Newton's Third Law of Motion – When an object is pushed in one direction, there is always a resistance of the same size in the opposite direction. Click here to visit the page.

A simple experiment: take a toy plane, or any physical object for that matter, and -without hurting yourself of course- slam it into a wall as hard as you can. Does the plane/object disappear into the wall?? NO, it doesn't. If the rails of a high speed train are laid out to make the train run into a steel and concrete wall, will the train disappear into the wall? NO, it won't.

To further prove my point:

This is the "crash site" of flight United 93 on 9/11/2001. WHERE IS THE PLANE DEBRIS?

This is a picture of the Pentagon lawn on 9/11/2001, in the area where American Airlines flight 77 supposedly hit the building. WHERE IS THE PLANE DEBRIS?

Jamie McIntyre is a former senior Pentagon correspondent for CNN. He was at the Pentagon on September 11th when the “plane” supposedly hit the building.

This is Jamie McIntyre’s   LIVE FEED  from the Pentagon on that day. Please note that the anchor woman mentions that he got very close to where that "plane" went down.

In this original report McIntryre clearly states "….from my close up inspection there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon." […]  "There are no large tail sections, wing sections, a fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon."

You should know that “for some reason” he changed his report afterwards and said that not only did he see a plane but he also took pictures.



By comparison

The crash site of flight Pan Am 103 that went down in Lockerbie on December 21st, 1988.

The crash site of American Airlines 1420 that overran the runway and crashed in Little Rock National Airport on June 1st, 1999.

The crash site of Malaysian Airlines MH17 which was shot down over the Ukraine on July 17th, 2014.

On October 7th, 2012 Discovery Channel aired an episode of ‘Curiosity’, in which a Boeing 727 was deliberately crash-landed in a remote and uninhabited Mexican desert as part of a scientific experiment.

This is what happens when a REAL plane crashes.

Click here to watch the full documentary.

These are some of the pictures of the Discovery Channel experiment. Notice the debris.

Source: discovery.com


Analyses of the mainstream media coverage on 9/11/2001:

9/11 In Plane Sight (The Pentagon Part)

No evidence of a plane in Pennsylvania

9/11: Continuous Pieces

September Clues

And then there is World Trade Center 7 which was NOT hit by an airplane, NOT a blazing fireball, but it nevertheless collapsed in it's own footprint on the afternoon of September 11th, 2001. This is one of the videos made by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Solving The Mystery of WTC 7.


As the saying goes: I rest my case and I challenge the Justices of the United States Supreme Court, to prove the fact that no planes were used on 9/11/2001 wrong. Based on the evidence to date (for example reports from first responders and footage shot on 9/11/2001) it looks like holographic projections were used to simulate the airplanes, but the buildings were actually destroyed by using a missile or missiles (Pentagon) and controlled demolitions (World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7).

No planes means no terrorist attack ("terrorist attack" is still the official explanation of the US government), which means that the events that took place on 9/11/2001 were executed from within the United States with a -for lack of a better term- demonic level of deception. And with all this I haven't even discussed the even more esoteric, ritualistic aspects of the 9/11 deception yet.

Related Article: 10 Signs Of A False Flag Operation


Update 17 July 2020

The Reichstag fire was also a false flag operation and The Nazi Ideology is continued in the plans for The New World Order. The historical pattern is as follows: the Kennedy assassination was the prelude to 9/11. 9/11 was the prelude to "COVID-19". "COVID-19" is the prelude to The Global Fascist Surveillance State. The Global Fascist Surveillance State is the prelude to the elimination of the Human Race. That is the actual plan, not an exaggeration.

This is some recommended viewing if you want to understand what living and dying in The New World Order means:


Invisible Empire: The New World Order Defined

The New World Order's Orwellian Plan For Your Future a.k.a Agenda 21

The Corona Virus Endgame


If it's difficult for you to believe that the global mainstream media is taking part in the cover-up of the truth about what actually happened on 9/11, I challenge you to do the following:

Call or send an email to your favorite mainstream/national television station (doesn’t matter in which country you live) and ask them to broadcast any one of the many documentaries (Loose Change, Continuous Pieces, September Clues (2008), etc., etc.) that go against the official story of 9/11.

They will not be broadcast. I guarantee.

Then ask yourself, WHY? 

The answer is self-evident.

(Non-)Actions speak louder than words.

Stop watching television and think for yourself.



What you have to understand is that as the "terrorist attack" was a lie, this entire list and much, much more is based on lies too :

*** Al Qaeda***

Watch this documentary: Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist

*** Guantanamo Bay***

*** TSA***

The formation of the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and extremely invasive airport screening. (for example Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) equipment which uses either backscatter X-ray or millimeter-wave technology to provide a graphic image of a passenger's body beneath clothing)



*** The U.S. Department of Homeland Security***


*** The Patriot Act***


*** War in Afghanistan***


*** War in Iraq***


*** ISIS/ISIL***

ISIS: Made in the USA

The Rise Of Isis Is Part Of The West's Pipeline Geopolitics


*** War in Syria***


…..And the list goes on and on and on

Here is a list of organizations and people who also question the official 9/11 story based on their expertise – and plain old common sense:

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

Commissioned and Non-commissioned U.S. Military Officers For 9/11 Truth

Lawyers For 9/11 Truth

Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth

Scholars For 9/11 Truth & Justice

Actors & Artists For 9/11 Truth

Re-Think 9/11

Other Articles On Be Brilliant

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