Joe Cross was just an average man with a huge problem. He was extremely fat. Doctors could no longer help him and as he wanted to get completely off all his medications, he decided to create his own diet plan before losing his life.
Joe considered his options and he set off for a trek of 3,000 miles – carrying only a generator and a juicer. His goal was to be on the road for sixty days, through rain and sun, consuming nothing but juice. His triumph, in the end, was a massive loss – of weight that is. His loss is our gain as he had the entire journey filmed for an audience to later partake of.
The movie that came out of this has inspired many people, not only to lose weight but to be free from all that holds them back.
When people ask me what I do to maintain my slim figure, I always say that it helps a lot to have alien DNA :). Other than that it's just a healthy lifestyle.
Summer is here and lots of people (especially women!) make a b-line for the gym in order to look good in their beachwear, but then they put all the weight back on in fall and winter. It just doesn't work.
Obesity has taken on epidemic proportions in the United States but wherever you are on the planet, whether you're male or female, if you want to get in shape and need some inspiration I can highly recommend this documentary.
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